SQL Server database last updated date time


Solution 1

Look in sys.objects should be enough, try this query

 select * from sys.objects
order by modify_date desc

Solution 2

This will return last modified date time + name of updated item + description what was updated (table, stored procedure, etc)

SELECT TOP 1 name, modify_date, type_desc
FROM  sys.objects
ORDER BY modify_date DESC
Nagendra Baliga
Author by

Nagendra Baliga

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Nagendra Baliga
    Nagendra Baliga almost 2 years

    Is there any sql script to find out when the database in SQL server is last updated?

    I want to know the last updated date time for the changes done on meta data of the database rather than actual data inside the table. Particularly when:

    • Any new table is created/dropped from Database.
    • Any new column is added/removed from table in the Database.
    • Any new views/Stored Procedures/Functions are added/altered inside the Database.