Sqlalchemy core, insert multiple rows from a tuple instead of dict


You're missing some details about your setup so I made something up. Inserting tuples is difficult unless you're inserting the table's primary key too, so why not create a dictionary from your data before insert?

This should work with SQLAlchemy 0.7.6 and later:

import sqlalchemy as sa

engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)
metadata = sa.MetaData()

widgets_table = sa.Table('widgets', metadata,
    sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
    sa.Column('foo', sa.String(50)),
    sa.Column('bar', sa.String(50)),
    sa.Column('biz', sa.Boolean),
    sa.Column('baz', sa.Integer),

# Assuming this is your data
values = [
    (None, "Test", True, 3),
    (None, "Test", True, 3),

with engine.connect() as connection:
    with connection.begin() as transaction:
            markers = ','.join('?' * len(values[0]))
            ins = 'INSERT INTO {tablename} VALUES ({markers})'
            ins = ins.format(tablename=widgets_table.name, markers=markers)
            connection.execute(ins, values)
Marcus Jones
Author by

Marcus Jones

Updated on July 26, 2022


  • Marcus Jones
    Marcus Jones almost 2 years

    I have data in a 2D tuple (or say coming from a Numpy table), and need to insert it into an SQL table. Using Sqlalchemy Core with SQLite, how can I efficiently and simply insert this data into my table?

    Take i.e. from @eclaird;

    engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)
    metadata = sa.MetaData()
    widgets_table = sa.Table('widgets', metadata,
        sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
        sa.Column('bar', sa.String(50)),
        sa.Column('biz', sa.Boolean),
        sa.Column('baz', sa.Integer),
    # Assuming this is the data where None holds place for primary key
    my_data = [
        (None, "Test", True, 3),
        (None, "Test", True, 3),

    So far I'm at this point in the docs; so I have;

    engine.execute(widgets_table.insert().values((None, "Test", True, 3)))

    Which works. But I want to insert many rows at once such as

    engine.execute(widgets_table.insert().values(((None, "Test", True, 3), (None, "Test", True, 3))))

    But then error;

    The 'sqlite' dialect with current database version settings does not support in-place multirow inserts.

    Also tried;

    insert = widgets_table.insert()
    engine.execute(insert, [
                        (None, "Test", True, 3), 
                        (None, "Test", True, 3) 

    With error;

    AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'keys'

    As a recent convert to SQLalch, I'm a bit lost here.