SQLAlchemy: get Model from table name. This may imply appending some function to a metaclass constructor as far as I can see


Solution 1

Inspired by Eevee's comment:

def get_class_by_tablename(tablename):
  """Return class reference mapped to table.

  :param tablename: String with name of table.
  :return: Class reference or None.
  for c in Base._decl_class_registry.values():
    if hasattr(c, '__tablename__') and c.__tablename__ == tablename:
      return c

Solution 2

So in SQLAlchemy version 1.4.x (which I updated to around 2020-03-16) it seems _decl_class_registry no longer exists.

I was able to work around using the new registry class attribute (which is not protected, so hopefully it wont be removed suddenly!).


for mapper in Base.registry.mappers:
    cls = mapper.class_
    classname = cls.__name__
    if not classname.startswith('_'):
        tblname = cls.__tablename__
        Base.TBLNAME_TO_CLASS[tblname] = cls

Not sure if this is the best way to do it, but its how I did it.

Solution 3

Beware the OrangeTux answer does not take schemas in account. If you have table homonyms in different schemas use:

def get_class_by_tablename(table_fullname):
  """Return class reference mapped to table.

  :param table_fullname: String with fullname of table.
  :return: Class reference or None.
  for c in Base._decl_class_registry.values():
    if hasattr(c, '__table__') and c.__table__.fullname == table_fullname:
      return c

fullname is a Table attribute see:


Solution 4

Utility function for this has been added to SQLAlchemy-Utils. See get_class_by_table docs for more information. The solution in SQLAlchemy-Utils is able to cover single table inheritance scenarios as well.

import sqlalchemy as sa

def get_class_by_table(base, table, data=None):
    Return declarative class associated with given table. If no class is found
    this function returns `None`. If multiple classes were found (polymorphic
    cases) additional `data` parameter can be given to hint which class
    to return.


        class User(Base):
            __tablename__ = 'entity'
            id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
            name = sa.Column(sa.String)

        get_class_by_table(Base, User.__table__)  # User class

    This function also supports models using single table inheritance.
    Additional data paratemer should be provided in these case.


        class Entity(Base):
            __tablename__ = 'entity'
            id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
            name = sa.Column(sa.String)
            type = sa.Column(sa.String)
            __mapper_args__ = {
                'polymorphic_on': type,
                'polymorphic_identity': 'entity'

        class User(Entity):
            __mapper_args__ = {
                'polymorphic_identity': 'user'

        # Entity class
        get_class_by_table(Base, Entity.__table__, {'type': 'entity'})

        # User class
        get_class_by_table(Base, Entity.__table__, {'type': 'user'})

    :param base: Declarative model base
    :param table: SQLAlchemy Table object
    :param data: Data row to determine the class in polymorphic scenarios
    :return: Declarative class or None.
    found_classes = set(
        c for c in base._decl_class_registry.values()
        if hasattr(c, '__table__') and c.__table__ is table
    if len(found_classes) > 1:
        if not data:
            raise ValueError(
                "Multiple declarative classes found for table '{0}'. "
                "Please provide data parameter for this function to be able "
                "to determine polymorphic scenarios.".format(
            for cls in found_classes:
                mapper = sa.inspect(cls)
                polymorphic_on = mapper.polymorphic_on.name
                if polymorphic_on in data:
                    if data[polymorphic_on] == mapper.polymorphic_identity:
                        return cls
            raise ValueError(
                "Multiple declarative classes found for table '{0}'. Given "
                "data row does not match any polymorphic identity of the "
                "found classes.".format(
    elif found_classes:
        return found_classes.pop()
    return None

Solution 5

For sqlalchemy 1.4.x (and probably 2.0.x for the future readers too) You can nicely extend the Erotemic answer to be more convenient when models are distributed across many files (such case is a primary reason for looking up ORM classes when doing proper OOP).

Take such class and make a Base from it:

from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base

class BaseModel:

    def model_lookup_by_table_name(cls, table_name):
        registry_instance = getattr(cls, "registry")
        for mapper_ in registry_instance.mappers:
            model = mapper_.class_
            model_class_name = model.__tablename__
            if model_class_name == table_name:
                return model

Base = declarative_base(cls=BaseModel)

Then declaring your models, even in separate modules, enables You to use cls.model_lookup_by_table_name(...) method without importing anything, as long as You are deriving from a Base:


from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = "user"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

    # ... and other columns

    def some_method(self):
        # successfully use lookup like this
        balance_model = self.model_lookup_by_table_name("balance")
        # ...
        return balance_model


from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer

class Balance(Base):
    __tablename__ = "balance"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

    # ... other columns

    def some_method(self):
        # lookup works on every model
        user_model = self.model_lookup_by_table_name("user")
        # ...
        return user_model

And it works as expected:

>>> User().some_method()
<class 'balance_models.Balance'>
>>> Balance().some_method()
<class 'user_models.User'>
>>> Base.model_lookup_by_table_name("user")
<class 'user_models.User'>
>>> Base.model_lookup_by_table_name("balance")
<class 'balance_models.Balance'>

You can safely cache the output of this method using functools.lru_cache to improve performance (avoiding python for loop when it is not needed). Also, You can add more lookups the same way, e.g. by a class name (not only by a table name like in this example)

Author by



Updated on August 21, 2021


  • Sheena
    Sheena almost 3 years

    I want to make a function that, given the name of a table, returns the model with that tablename. Eg:

    class Model(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'table'
        ...a bunch of Columns
    def getModelFromTableName(tablename):
       ...something magical

    so getModelFromTableName('table') should return the Model class.

    My aim is to use the function in a simple form generator I'm making since FormAlchemy does not work with python3.2 and I want it to handle foreign keys nicely.

    Can anyone give me any pointers on how to get getModelFromTableName to work?

    Here's one idea I have (it might be totally wrong, I haven't worked with meta classes before...)

    What if I were to make my Model classes inherit from Base as well as some other class (TableReg) and have the class meta of TableReg store Model.tablename in some global dictionary or Singleton.

    I realise this could be totally off because Base's metaclass does some very important and totally nifty stuff that I don't want to break, but I assume there has to be a way for me to append a little bit of constructor code to the meta class of my models. Or I don't understand.

  • Eevee
    Eevee about 11 years
    oh my goodness. this is brittle all around, but if nothing else: you don't need to stringify the class to test what it is! just check issubclass(globals[k], Base)!
  • Sheena
    Sheena about 11 years
    @Eevee: hey, it works. sayap's comment makes sense... can you tell me how it is brittle? I know a try...except with no exception type is generally bad practice, and stringifying things isn't necessary (taken that out). What else?
  • Eevee
    Eevee about 11 years
    type(...) == ... is also unnecessary; use issubclass with your base class or isinstance with the metaclass. you could iterate over globals.items() instead of doing a key lookup multiple times. a function like this should raise an exception on failure. but most importantly, as soon as a model file like this gets bigger than a couple dozen tables, most developers will be inclined to split it up which will break this code in ways that may not be immediately obvious.
  • Sheena
    Sheena about 11 years
    I didn't know about items(), thanks. I don't see the downside of using type rather than issubclass or isinstance... Also, the problem I solved with this is one of finding the correct model class in a predefined scope. In my case the scope is global and that's convenient. If anyone wants to adapt this for their purposes then they should adapt it for their scope. Scope is not the issue being explored here. And solving scope issues shouldn't be very hard anyway. Creative use of importlib would do the trick, or context could be included as a parameter.
  • Eevee
    Eevee about 11 years
    type is brittle and can be fooled in a lot of ways. looking up things in a lexical scope should always be a last resort—in this case you already have the mapping you want, as the comment on your question indicates.
  • Sheena
    Sheena about 11 years
    @Eevee: "the comment", what comment? If you are referring to my documentation string then I'm not sure what you mean. In what way do I already have a tablename to model class mapping? I know I have a model class to tablename mapping but that's not what I'm after
  • Eevee
    Eevee about 11 years
    sayap's comment, above. Base._decl_class_registry is a dict of declarative class names to classes. you could iterate its .values() and check the table names. or you could extend the declarative metaclass to create your own similar dict.
  • pip
    pip over 9 years
    Works great - for flask-sqlalchemy replace Base with db.Model as they are the same thing (more or less).
  • dequis
    dequis over 7 years
    This function takes the table object (the exact same one, c.__table__ is table), not a table name.
  • Admin
    Admin over 7 years
    had to change __tablename__ to __table__ to get this to work
  • RunOrVeith
    RunOrVeith about 3 years
    This should be a comment on the answer that you are referring to
  • Anand Tripathi
    Anand Tripathi over 2 years
    correct maybe @Konsta you can change the comparision to str(c.__table__) in your implementation or use tablename cause most of the time we dont know the class only the table name then only we can use this function