SQLAlchemy - don't enforce foreign key constraint on a relationship


You can solve this by:

  • POINT-1: not having a ForeignKey neither on the RDBMS level nor on the SA level
  • POINT-2: explicitly specify join conditions for the relationship
  • POINT-3: mark relationship cascades to rely on passive_deletes flag

Fully working code snippet below should give you an idea (points are highlighted in the code):

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker, relationship
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)

Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

class TestAuditLog(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'TEST_AUDIT_LOG'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    comment = Column(String)

    entityId = Column('TEST_AUDIT_LOG', Integer, nullable=False,
                     # POINT-1
                     #ForeignKey('TEST.TS_TEST_ID', ondelete="CASCADE"),

    def __init__(self, comment):
        self.comment = comment

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<TestAuditLog(id=%s entityId=%s, comment=%s)>" % (self.id, self.entityId, self.comment)

class Test(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'TEST'
    id = Column('TS_TEST_ID', Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)

    audits = relationship(TestAuditLog, backref='test',
                # POINT-2
                # POINT-3

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Test(id=%s, name=%s)>" % (self.id, self.name)


## tests
session = Session()

# create test data
tests = [Test("test-" + str(i)) for i in range(3)]
_cnt = 0
for _t in tests:
    for __ in range(2):
        _t.audits.append(TestAuditLog("comment-" + str(_cnt)))
        _cnt += 1
print '-'*80

# check test data, delete one Test
t1 = session.query(Test).get(1)
print "t: ", t1
print "t.a: ", t1.audits
print '-'*80

# check that audits are still in the DB for deleted Test
t1 = session.query(Test).get(1)
assert t1 is None
_q = session.query(TestAuditLog).filter(TestAuditLog.entityId == 1)
_r = _q.all()
assert len(_r) == 2
for _a in _r:
    print _a

Another option would be to duplicate the column used in the FK, and make the FK column nullable with ON CASCADE SET NULL option. In this way you can still check the audit trail of deleted objects using this column.

Sarah Vessels
Author by

Sarah Vessels

I'm a software developer at GitHub, working out of Nashville, Tennessee. I love black tea and electropop, puns and hot chicken. When I'm not writing code, I'm playing video games like Skyrim, Diablo 3, and The Sims series. I sometimes blog about video games and tech.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Sarah Vessels
    Sarah Vessels about 2 years

    I have a Test model/table and a TestAuditLog model/table, using SQLAlchemy and SQL Server 2008. The relationship between the two is Test.id == TestAuditLog.entityId, with one test having many audit logs. TestAuditLog is intended to keep a history of changes to rows in the Test table. I want to track when a Test is deleted, also, but I'm having trouble with this. In SQL Server Management Studio, I set the FK_TEST_AUDIT_LOG_TEST relationship's "Enforce Foreign Key Constraint" property to "No", thinking that would allow a TestAuditLog row to exist with an entityId that no longer connects to any Test.id because the Test has been deleted. However, when I try to create a TestAuditLog with SQLAlchemy and then delete the Test, I get an error:

    (IntegrityError) ('23000', "[23000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'AL_TEST_ID', table 'TEST_AUDIT_LOG'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails. (515) (SQLExecDirectW); [01000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated. (3621)") u'UPDATE [TEST_AUDIT_LOG] SET [AL_TEST_ID]=? WHERE [TEST_AUDIT_LOG].[AL_ID] = ?' (None, 8)

    I think because of the foreign-key relationship between Test and TestAuditLog, after I delete the Test row, SQLAlchemy is trying to update all that test's audit logs to have a NULL entityId. I don't want it to do this; I want SQLAlchemy to leave the audit logs alone. How can I tell SQLAlchemy to allow audit logs to exist whose entityId does not connect with any Test.id?

    I tried just removing the ForeignKey from my tables, but I'd like to still be able to say myTest.audits and get all of a test's audit logs, and SQLAlchemy complained about not knowing how to join Test and TestAuditLog. When I then specified a primaryjoin on the relationship, it grumbled about not having a ForeignKey or ForeignKeyConstraint with the columns.

    Here are my models:

    class TestAuditLog(Base, Common):
        __tablename__ = u'TEST_AUDIT_LOG'
        entityId = Column(u'AL_TEST_ID', INTEGER(), ForeignKey(u'TEST.TS_TEST_ID'),
    class Test(Base, Common):
        __tablename__ = u'TEST'
        id = Column(u'TS_TEST_ID', INTEGER(), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
        audits = relationship(TestAuditLog, backref="test")

    And here's how I'm trying to delete a test while keeping its audit logs, their entityId intact:

        test = Session.query(Test).first()
  • Sarah Vessels
    Sarah Vessels almost 13 years
    The passive_deletes='all' on the relationship did it! That way I was able to keep the relationships and SQLAlchemy didn't go back and try to wipe out the entityId on Test deletion. Thanks!
  • Greg0ry
    Greg0ry almost 9 years
    Just for the reference - it would be required to also set lazy="dynamic" on parent side of relationship so sqlalchemy won't fetch all children when you do not need it (i.e. when only updating an unrelevant field in parent table).
  • van
    van almost 9 years
    @Greg0ry: No, you do not need to. As documented in Using Loader Strategies: Lazy Loading, Eager Loading: By default, all inter-object relationships are lazy loading.... So unless you do otherwise, parent should not load children unless you access them.
  • Greg0ry
    Greg0ry almost 9 years
    @van - my observation was different when using sqlalchemy in Pylons Pyramid - only explicit lasy="dynamic" on relationship was preventing sqlalchemy from fetching children of parent that was being updated.
  • van
    van almost 9 years
    Interesting, maybe your code accesses the children for some reason? Count or print out, or any other reason?
  • Greg0ry
    Greg0ry almost 9 years
    @van - I have simple database handling (nothing fancy, simple models with relationships configured the way you was very kind to describe here). I have run some debugs and aparently children are not fetched after I have set lazy="dynamic" (I suppose if I was doing something to fetch children objects lazy="dynamic" would not result in children not being fetched).
  • van
    van almost 9 years
    @Greg0ry: in the code of the answer the model does not have any lazy=.... If after first line with print '-'*80 you do the following t1 = session.query(Test).get(1); session.delete(t1); session.commit(), you will see that the children (TestAuditLog) are not loaded. So it must be something else in your code that makes it load. I suggest you post another question with the self-contained sample code which shows the issue.
  • Greg0ry
    Greg0ry almost 9 years
    @van - try updating within an before_flush event. I have no issue with adding lazy="dynamic" and in my case after adding this to my relationship everything works as expected - so I have no issue that need solving :-) for the sake of my own curiosity I have run the very same model outside from pyramid and lazy="dynamic" was not needed - my guess is there is something pyramid does with transactions but that is not something I have time to investigate further. I posted my advice to people who may find the same strange behavior when using sqlalchemy within pylons pyramid, that's all :-)
  • abroekhof
    abroekhof over 8 years
    @SarahVessels My question too, thanks for asking! Can you confirm that the only thing you changed was the passive_delete flag? I have a SA FK constraint that isn't actually in the RDBMS and setting passive_delete seemed to fix the problems I was having