ssl certificate self signed instead of valid



You've fallen into a SNI hole.

SNI is server name indication. This allows you have multiple different hostnames living on the same shared IP. And if you don't actually indicate a servername to a SNI enabled server, then you get back the default certificate. (This is the "SNI hole" part.)

And OpenSSL will not supply a servername to the TLS server unless you tell it to. Use the -servername parameter for that.

$ echo '' | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect  -servername 2>/dev/null | grep -Ei 'subject|issuer|return'
subject=/C=US/OU=Domain Control Validated/
issuer=/C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/CN=GlobalSign Domain Validation CA - SHA256 - G2
    Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)

If you leave that out, then you get the default certificate for that host. And here that is a self-signed certificate. (And I don't think it should be there either. Makes no sense to deliver a self-signed cert.)

 $ echo '' | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect  2>/dev/null | grep -Ei 'subject|issuer|return'
 subject=/*[email protected]
 issuer=/*[email protected]
     Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate)

Check that installation

Side note: I urge you to disable SSL3. (SSL Labs report here.)


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Aleksandar Pavić
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Aleksandar Pavić

Redmine Cookbook author. Visit blog! Follow me on Linkedin for smart IT related stuff! enter link description here IT Product and Service Development Specialist. Currently managing multiple projects, products and services used by thousands of business and individuals locally and worldwide, by utilizing Agile, SCRUM, ITIL, ISO 27001, SLA + own experience. Managed and managing IT projects with budgets from $0 to nine figures, and lasting from one day to years. Participating in EU funded IT projects like Exchange 3, Exchange 4, Sociotal, WeeLive and Clips. Developing cost-effective IT strategies for companies, cities, municipalities and startups. Redmine administrator and implementation specialist. (buy my book - MsC in Product and Service development - industrial engineering BsC in IT, Software Engineering, Electrical engineering and computing, computing sicences and Management in IT: project management, procurement management, product management, infrastructure management, IT strategic management, business process development, IT security, redmine IT Development specialties: javascript, jquery, .NET, PHP, CSS, cakephp, symphony, MVC, vmware, ubuntu, apache, mysql, microsoft sql, C#, XML IT Administration: Netowrk security, firewall zones, antivirus, MSSQL, MSSCM, Linux, Ubuntu, Apache, Tomcat, MySQL, PostgreSql, VmWare, ProxMox, HyperV, Redmine, PHP, Cpanel, Plesk

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Aleksandar Pavić
    Aleksandar Pavić almost 2 years

    I've purchased a valid certificate:

    For example this site validates it:

    But when I test it with openSSL, like this:

    openssl s_client -showcerts -connect

    I get

    Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate)

  • Aleksandar Pavić
    Aleksandar Pavić over 8 years
    Thanks, eventually I figured it out, purchasing new certificate now...
  • Aleksandar Pavić
    Aleksandar Pavić over 8 years
    Can you please remove my email from dmarc code... Btw, I've resolved all problems...