SSRS Dynamic Borders


Unfortunately, SSRS does not have a double-dashed option, but you can use conditional formatting on the textbox to control the border.

With your data:

enter image description here

I have a simple table:

enter image description here

For the detail row, I have set the Top and Bottom border style to be expression-based, based on the value of Name:

enter image description here


=IIf(Fields!Name.Value = "TOTAL", "Dashed", "None")


=IIf(Fields!Name.Value = "TOTAL", "Double", "None")

This gives (very close to) the desired result:

enter image description here

However, be aware that you might run into a few issues, as identified in this MSDN thread:

Double Line border turn to be single in Reporting Service

I had to make sure the Bottom border was 3pt in width and that there was a table footer row to get it to look correct in Preview. Excel works fine whatever.

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Updated on October 28, 2022


  • user3261909
    user3261909 over 1 year

    I have the following output which is bound to a SSRS table:

    ID    Name            Value
    1     Assets           100
    2     Liabilities      200
    3     Expenses         300
    4     Loans            400
    5     TOTAL           1000

    For the last row (TOTAL), which is the grand total of the above rows, and also a part of the result, I want to set the border conditionally as follows:

    • Top border: Dotted
    • Bottom border: Double-dashed

    The last row in the report must look something like this:

    TOTAL   1000

    Appreciate your inputs.