Sudo command not found (su login not working)


I think the only possibility left it that one of the directories leading to sudo doesn't have the other executable bit set, so although the directory is in your path, bash can't find the binaries inside. When you try with full path, then of course you get the permission denied message. This problem with the directories is likely also the cause of your original problem with the low-graphics mode thing.

So please try

ls -ld /usr
ls -ld /usr/bin

both of these should report:


permissions. If not, then it is your problem and you should set those permissions for those folders, and likely for some other folders also. But you can't do it from your installation, because you don't have access to sudo. So either boot into recovery mode or use a live CD to correct the errors. (Which were likely caused by a wrong chmod command.)


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Jacob
    Jacob almost 2 years

    I had a system crash and now my Ubuntu runs into low-graphics mode. All the fixes require running commands with sudo. When I try this I get sudo: command not found. When I try logging in with su - I get an error: Authentication failed. I also tried sudo -i but that did nothing. I am really stuck here. What can I do?

    Relevant info:

    $ echo $PATH 
    $ ls -l /usr/bin/sudo
    -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 121144 Feb 28 2013 /usr/bin/sudo
    -a sudo output : -bash: -a command not found
    which - a sudo output: 
    /usr/bin/sudo echo foo output: Permission denied
    • falconer
      falconer over 10 years
      Exactly what is the command you try to run with sudo and what is the error reported exactly.
    • Jacob
      Jacob over 10 years
      THe error is "Command not found", It doesnt matter what I run. Nothing works
    • nux
      nux over 10 years
      if you try sudo -i does it work ?
    • Jacob
      Jacob over 10 years
      First one: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin Second one: -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 121144 Feb 28 2013 /usr/bin/sudo
    • Jacob
      Jacob over 10 years
      sudo -i does nothing
    • Jacob
      Jacob over 10 years
      -bash: sudo: command not found
    • falconer
      falconer over 10 years
      Okay, I have no clue. Try running sudo with the full path /usr/bin/sudo YOUR_COMMAND.
    • terdon
      terdon over 10 years
      Please edit your question and add the output of type -a sudo and which -a sudo. Then, try running /usr/bin/sudo echo foo and tell us if it worked.
    • Jacob
      Jacob over 10 years
      Done I have updated the question
    • terdon
      terdon over 10 years
      You need to run type -a sudo, type is a command. Also, make sure there is no space between - and a, it should be -a. It is much easier for us to read if you just copy/paste the command and the output directly from the terminal. The permission denied is interesting. Please add the output of ls -l /usr | grep bin and ls -l / | grep usr.
  • Jacob
    Jacob over 10 years
    The permissions output is not correct. But trying to change under shell prompt (recovery mode) gives me an error: Read only file-system. My output is drw-rw-rw-
  • falconer
    falconer over 10 years
    @Jacob Thats normal. You need to remount / read/write, look here
  • Jacob
    Jacob over 10 years
    Following that instructions and mounting the low graphics error was gone