Switch between multiple java versions


Solution 1

Apt-get won't overwrite the existing java versions.

To switch between installed java versions, use the update-java-alternatives command.

List all java versions:

update-java-alternatives --list

Set java version as default (needs root permissions):

sudo update-java-alternatives --set /path/to/java/version

...where /path/to/java/version is one of those listed by the previous command (e.g. /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64).

Additional information:

update-java-alternatives is a convenience tool that uses Debian's alternatives system (update-alternatives) to set a bunch of links to the specified java version (e.g. java, javac, ...).

Solution 2


sudo update-alternatives --config java

which lists all installed versions with current active one marked and provides dialog to switch:

There are 3 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).

Selection    Path...
  0            /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-oracle/bin/java...
* 1            /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/bin/java...
  2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java...
  3            /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-oracle/bin/java...

Press <enter> to keep...[*], or type selection number: 


export JAVA_HOME="$(jrunscript -e 'java.lang.System.out.println(java.lang.System.getProperty("java.home"));')"

to set $JAVA_HOME from current active version

Solution 3

Configuring Java

You can configure which version is the default for use in the command line by using update-alternatives, which manages which symbolic links are used for different commands.

sudo update-alternatives --config java

The output will look something like the following.

There are 5 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).

  Selection    Path                                            Priority   Status
* 0            /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java   1081      auto mode
  1            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-oracle/jre/bin/java          1         manual mode
  2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/bin/java          2         manual mode
  3            /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java   1081      manual mode
  4            /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java          3         manual mode
  5            /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-oracle/bin/java              4         manual mode

Press <enter> to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

You can now choose the number to use as a default. This can also be done for other Java commands, such as the compiler (javac), the documentation generator (javadoc), the JAR signing tool (jarsigner), and more. You can use the following command, filling in the command you want to customize.

sudo update-alternatives --config command

Setting the JAVA_HOME Environment Variable

Many programs, such as Java servers, use the JAVA_HOME environment variable to determine the Java installation location.

Copy the path from your preferred installation and then open /etc/environment using Sublime Text or your favourite text editor.

sudo subl /etc/environment

At the end of this file, add the following line, making sure to replace the highlighted path with your own copied path.


Save and exit the file, and reload it: source /etc/environment.
You can now test whether the environment variable has been set by executing the following command: echo $JAVA_HOME. This will return the path you just set.

Solution 4

Based on the answer from @muet, I found this to work seamlessly:

Add this to ~/.bashrc:

export JAVA_HOME="$(jrunscript -e 'java.lang.System.out.println(java.lang.System.getProperty("java.home"));')"

Add to aliases:

alias useJava8='yes | sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default && source ~/.bashrc'
alias useJava7='yes | sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-set-default && source ~/.bashrc'

Then you can switch within the same shell using only: useJava7or useJava8


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Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • mcExchange
    mcExchange almost 2 years

    While installing Android Studio on Ubuntu 14.04 I get the message that my Java version (javac 1.7.0_79) is causing problems. I found a solution of how to install a newer Oracle version of Java:

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

    However I'm afraid that this might overwrite my existing open-jdk version of Java. Since I don't know which of my programs depend on Java, I fear that this could crash these other programs.

    Is there a way to make sure apt-get doesn't overwrite my previous Java? I would basically like to have installed both and be able to switch between them manually, depending on what version I need.

  • Joel Peltonen
    Joel Peltonen almost 8 years
    For me this caused java -version to be java8, but JAVA_HOME was still set to 7 :(
  • Konstantin Zyubin
    Konstantin Zyubin over 6 years
    to make aliases permanent one can put them in ~/.bashrc , more info here askubuntu.com/questions/17536/…
  • Prakash P
    Prakash P over 6 years
    E: Unable to locate package oracle-java7-set-default
  • brianjohnsen
    brianjohnsen over 6 years
    The unequivocally easiest way to install, use, and switch between different java versions is using SDKMAN! See here: sdkman.io/usage.html
  • chrizonline
    chrizonline over 5 years
    tq this solve my problem too. @Nenotlep what I did is edit the environment variable manually either in .bashrc or /etc/environment
  • nofinator
    nofinator over 5 years
    update-java-alternatives wasn't available for me. I just replaced that command with update-alternatives java.
  • danzel
    danzel over 5 years
    @nofinator that only affects the java executable. Which Ubuntu version do you use?
  • janb
    janb over 5 years
    @Nenotlep in order to change JAVA_HOME you have to run the following command: source /etc/environment
  • ThiamTeck
    ThiamTeck over 5 years
    recently come across another command to set the JAVA_HOME, yet to try on .bashrc: export JAVA_HOME=$(dirname $(dirname $(readlink -f $(which java))))
  • Premek Brada
    Premek Brada over 5 years
    As noted by @danzel at the accepted answer, this affects only the java executable, not the other parts of the configuration. Use update-java-alternatives if available.
  • Stewart
    Stewart over 4 years
    Using this command, you have to update each of java, javac & jrunscript separately.
  • Samuel Owino
    Samuel Owino about 4 years
    @janb you should edit this answer, as above won't work without your additional input.
  • danzel
    danzel about 4 years
    @janb I honestly don't understand why this would have any effect unless you manually specified JAVA_HOME in /etc/environment. I just switched back and forth between java 8 and 11, and there is still no JAVA_HOME in /etc/environment. In fact, it is set nowhere in my environment. I therefor rejected the suggested edit. If there are circumstances in which the suggested command is needed, please suggest a new edit and explain when and why it would be necessary.
  • Giszmo
    Giszmo about 4 years
    My $JAVA_HOME is unaffected by any of the proposed commands, too. My ~/.bashrc has a line export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/javac | sed "s:bin/javac::") though and that does the trick for me: source ~/.bashrc. If your ~/.bashrc doesn't have that line, run directly export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/javac | sed "s:bin/javac::").
  • GilbertS
    GilbertS over 3 years
    oracle-java package does not exist. Use openjdk-8-jdk docs.datastax.com/en/jdk-install/doc/jdk-install/…
  • Akhil
    Akhil almost 3 years
    This easily did the work in my PopOS! Thanks a lot @danzel