Sync file folder on removable device with laptop and desktop


I'll throw Microsoft's powertoy SyncToy into the mix. It can provide some nice functionality without getting too over the top with some features you may not need. Also you can use windows 7 and task scheduling to customize when to sync (maybe detect when external drive is connected?). Using this method, you would have to separately set up the desktop and your laptop, but that could also give you some added flexibility.

Here is an article going through steps to automate synctoy (link)

Good luck on your search.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Shimith
    Shimith over 1 year

    I have a script which is to reset local administrator password of remote machines and I have mentioned the host list in the script.But just would like is there any way, so that we can add line in my script, so that this will reset the administrator password of all machine which is there in a specific set of subnet(example : and

    Can anyone help me with that ?

    $computers = Get-Content -path C:\hosts.txt
    $user = "Administrator"
    $pass = "password1"
    Foreach($computer in $computers)
     $user = [adsi]"WinNT://$computer/$user,user"
  • Bram Vanroy
    Bram Vanroy almost 12 years
    I'm trying this one. It's great actually, and easy to use. I don't need cloud access for my music or video's, so lan syncing (like this PowerToy does) is great! I'll award you when I'm sure it's good.
  • Bram Vanroy
    Bram Vanroy almost 12 years
    Edit: I am using it now, but it doesn't go as fast as expected. Maybe it does use the Internet connection rather than the LAN connection?
  • Andy E
    Andy E almost 12 years
    Hope it works. I find that sometimes when I have a very specific use case, simpler tools end up working out better than 'feature rich' options.
  • Bram Vanroy
    Bram Vanroy almost 12 years
    That's what I thought. Don't think it can use Internet connection and since I link to a local computer (i.e. a path to a device in a local network) it will simply use that path rather than a off-lan IP. It's going faster now. So, I'll mark yours as correct when syncing is finished. Thanks again!
  • slhck
    slhck almost 12 years
    Again, please don't copy and paste — quote properly. Thank you!
  • Andy E
    Andy E almost 12 years
    @BramVanroy Did it end up working for you?
  • Bram Vanroy
    Bram Vanroy almost 12 years
    It did! I'll now look into the article for automatic syncing. Do you have any idea if it's possible to make an external drive sync with a computer 'on connecting'? So when I plugin my external HD, it should automatically (and immediately) start sycning.
  • Andy E
    Andy E almost 12 years
    2 things to try. 1) Look into all the options on how to schedule tasks. There may be a way to tell it when event X happens, trigger this event in the scheduler. 2) I think there is a way to put a file on the external hard drive that auto-executes when it is plugged into a windows machine (see flash drives with U3 on them). Or other task scheduling software available on windows could probably take care of this.
  • Andy E
    Andy E almost 12 years
    This could lead you in the right direction
  • Shimith
    Shimith almost 7 years
    The following exception occurred while retrieving member "SetPassword": "The network path was not found. "At line:4 char:5 The following exception occurred while retrieving member "SetInfo": "The network path was not found. "At line:5 char:5
  • Mitch
    Mitch almost 7 years
    Like I said: "You may run into problems if every IP is not reachable. try/catch will save you if that should come to pass. When writing these sorts of scripts, it can be helpful to report progress."