Synergy: Is there a way to push Win+L to all screens, not just the server?


Solution 1

You want to do this in the options section.

You can define certain keypresses in there and how they get propogated out to the individual clients.

The manual tells you how to do it Look for the keystroke commands.

Solution 2

There are a couple of bugs listed in the tracker that relate to sending Win+L to a client system. I haven't gotten it to work on my system either.

Feature #3154 - Lock both screens when Win+L is pressed - Synergy

This is how it should work. In your config file under "section: options", you should be able to add the following:

keystroke(Control+Alt+l) = keystroke(super+l,*)

That tells synergy to send Super (Win) + L to all clients and the server whenever you hit CtrlAltL. I don't think there is a way to intercept WinL (SuperL) on the local system.

Solution 3

(Should work for most Gnome 3 environments, only tested against Fedora Core 21 Gnome 3)

The following work-around will allow you to hold down Control+Alt, then press k followed by l to lock the client then server.

Modify keyboard shortcut in Gnome for locking the screen from the default super+l, to Control+Alt+l. Do this on both the server and client. You can try to keep Super+l as the lock shortcut if you like, but I encountered buggy behavior with the Super key and opted to use Control+Alt+ instead.

Add the following line to the options section of your synergy.conf file

 keystroke(Control+Alt+k) = keystroke(Control+Alt+l,<client>)

Restart synergy and test that pressing Control+Alt+k then l, locks the synergy client and then the synergy server.


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Started developing in 6502 assembler then graduated to COBOL. Survived CASE and 4GL tools and the dotcom boom where I picked up ASP, Python, and PHP along with SQL Server and MySQL and HTML, Javascript and CSS. An interest in video led me to Silverlight and IIS Media Server and a job at Microsoft (working on little projects like streaming the Olympics and SNF for the NBC). I spent some time working at Amazon on the Kindle Fire/Fire TV and AppStore platform (if you've used a video app there, chances are I was involved). Currently freelance working on web and TV projects (and would love to help out if you have an interesting challenge!) I've written a YA SciFi Novella, and a couple of open source projects jsErrLog (remote trapping and reporting for JS errors) and jsNoSpam (allow human readable email addresses to be entered in HTML with reduced risk of crawlers picking them up) LinkedIn, Twitter, Random Thoughts

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Offbeatmammal
    Offbeatmammal almost 2 years

    When I hit Win+L on either of my machines I'd ideally like to be able to lock both client and server What happens though is no matter which screen I hit the key combination... it locks the server.

    I'm guessing the OS is trapping the key sequence before it can get passed to the app to manage, so I'm happy to use a different key sequence as long as the result will be the same

    Synergy 1.4.2 64 bit Beta

    • Iszi
      Iszi about 13 years
      Not the solution you're looking for, but a shortcut with the following target will give you a clickable link to lock whatever system it's run on: %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation I keep a copy in the Quick Launch Bar of any machines I expect to access remotely.
    • user1686
      user1686 about 13 years
  • Offbeatmammal
    Offbeatmammal about 13 years
    thanks Matt. it's pretty unclear and painful to do and, as I was having a bunch of other issues with it, i gave up and switched to InputDirector... PC only (and probably less capable) but easier out of the box
  • Fopedush
    Fopedush almost 10 years
    Unfortunately, as the poster commented on the synergy bugtracker, this approach only works for machines other than the host.