syntax error near unexpected token `do' in bash script


Solution 1

You have some issues with your formatting and syntax. sjsam's advice to use shellcheck is good, but the short version is that you should be using square brackets instead of round ones on the internal brackets of your if statement:

if [ ${file: -4} == "$1" ] || [ ${file: -4 } == "$2" ] {

And I don't think you need the 'do' before your ffmpeg line or the curly bracket at the end of the line above, so you end up with...

for file in *.*; 
    #comparing the file types in the directory to the first 2 parameters passed
    if [  ${file: -4} == "$1" ] || [ ${file: -4 } == "$2" ]
        export extension=${file: -4}
        #converting such files to the type of the first parameter using the FFMPEG comand
        ffmpeg -i "$file" "${file%.extension}"$3;

Solution 2

For me, it was due to CRLF. It should be LF for linux env.

Solution 3

There are a bunch of syntax errors here. Let's start with the line:

if[  ( ${file: -4} == "$1" ) || ( ${file: -4 } == "$2" )  ]{
  • You need a space between if and [ (or whatever comes after it). As written, the shell is treating "if[" as the name of a command, which isn't what you want at all.

  • The [ ... ] style of conditional doesn't understand || (it uses -o instead), requires that all shell metacharacters (like parentheses) be escaped or quoted, might not understand == (just = is the standard), and will get very confused if any of the unquoted variable/parameter references are blank.

  • if conditionals end with then (either on the next line, or after a ;) not {

You could fix it like this:

if [  \( "${file: -4}" = "$1" \) -o \( "${file: -4}" = "$2" \) ]; then

Or, since you're using bash (instead of a more basic shell), you can use the [[ ... ]] conditional style, which has much cleaner syntax:

if [[ "${file: -4}" = "$1" || "${file: -4}" = "$2" ]]; then

Next, remove the do before ffmpeg. do is part of the syntax for for and while loops; you already have one above (where it belongs), and this one just doesn't make sense. This is what's causing the error you see.

Next, the way you're replacing the file's extension won't work right. The variable reference "${file%.extension}"$3 will try to remove ".extension" (not the variable, just the string) from the end of $file. It also has $3 outside the quotes, which can cause trouble. You could fix it by using "${file%$extension}$3" instead, but frankly I'd just use "${file%.*}$3" to remove the extension no matter what length it is (and I'd also redo the if comparisons similarly, but that's more complicated).

Finally, you need a fi (after the ffmpeg line) to end the conditional. Every if needs a then and a fi.

And just as a stylistic thing, you don't need ; at the end of a line in shell; it's only needed when you're putting multiple commands (or things like do and then) on the same line. Anyway, here's my quick rewrite:


# $1 is the first parameter passed
# $2 is the second parameter passed 
# $3 is the third parameter passed

for file in *.*; do
    #comparing the file types in the directory to the first 2 parameters passed
    if [[  "${file: -4}" = "$1" || "${file: -4}" = "$2"  ]]; then
        #converting such files to the type of the first parameter using the FFMPEG comand
        ffmpeg -i "$file" "${file%.*}$3"

Solution 4

Even I got stuck with the same error. [] --> this link will take you to the error message.

The code which made me encounter this message is provided in the link below. []

If you observe the error related to do command is followed by an error about the syntax of the while. You can get rid of the error just by introducing spaces around the square brackets. []

This is due to the fact that the [ is not a shell-built-in rather it receives the expression as arguments. If [ is not surrounded by spaces the interpreter interprets it as $PATH.

I hope this answer helps you solve the problem.

Solution 5

Your script could be reduced to simply:


for file in *; do
    [[ ${file: -4} = $1 || ${file: -4} = $2 ]] && ffmpeg -i "$file" "${file%.*}$3"
Author by


Updated on August 23, 2020


  • Avi
    Avi almost 4 years

    I have bash script which takes 3 parameters from the command line. It compares all of the files in the directory to see if they are of the type of the first 2 parameters. If they are, the script converts such files to the type of the third parameter using an FFMPEG command. I would execute the script with the following command:

    ./ .avi .mp4 .flv 

    That this, this script would convert all of the .avi and .mp4 files to .flv.

    When I run the script, I get the error

    syntax error near unexpected token `do' in bash script.

    Here is the code:

    # $1 is the first parameter passed
    # $2 is the second parameter passed 
    # $3 is the third parameter passed
    for file in *.*; 
            #comparing the file types in the directory to the first 2 parameters passed
            if[  ( ${file: -4} == "$1" ) || ( ${file: -4 } == "$2" )  ]{
                export extension=${file: -4}
                #converting such files to the type of the first parameter using the FFMPEG comand
                do ffmpeg -i "$file" "${file%.extension}"$3;
    • sjsam
      sjsam about 8 years
      Test your code with shellcheck
    • Avi
      Avi about 8 years
      I did but I am a beginner in bash. I don't understand some of the error messages well on shellcheck. Any hint of where I went wrong would be greatly appreciated.
    • heemayl
      heemayl about 8 years
      To be honest, i can see only the shebang line is correct in this script :|
  • Greg
    Greg about 8 years
    Glad to hear it, although Gordon's answer below is much more thorough than mine - I corrected the 'if[' missing space, but forgot to mention it, and neglected to spot the missing 'then' also...
  • David Buck
    David Buck almost 4 years
    Please don't post error messages and code as images (and if you do use images, the formatting guide will help you do so correctly). Code should always be added to questions and the answers as text. Images cannot be searched, and they are not accessible to people using assistive technology.