Tensorflow: Failed to create session


Solution 1

Are you using GPU? If yes, maybe it's just simply out of GPU Memory due to the previous process failed to be killed.

This ticket helps me identify the problem: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/9549

To see your GPU status: in terminal, nvidia-smi -l 2 to update your gpu stat every 2 seconds

This post shows you how to kill the process that currently taking all the memory of your GPU: https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-kill-all-the-computer-processes-shown-in-nvidia-smi

Solution 2

Happened to me when I had a separate Tensorflow session running in another terminal. Closing that terminal made it work.

Solution 3

maybe out of GPU memory? Try running with


Also please provide details about what platform you are using (operating system, architecture). Also include your TensorFlow version.

Were you able to create a simple session from python console. Something like this:

import tensorflow as tf
hello = tf.constant('hi,tensorflow')
sess = tf.Session()

Solution 4

After you execute


your tensorflow may not use GPU. It may start training the model using CPU only.

You can find a better solution here. This doesn't require any restart, and you can apply it in server.

Solution 5

I had exactly same problem and this is what I did:

  1. Nvidia Driver:

    $ nvidia-smi | NVIDIA-SMI 384.130 Driver Version: 384.130

Found driver 384.130

  1. Updated Driver

    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa

    $ sudo apt update

The above log showed nvidia 396 is being installed.

 Running module version sanity check.

Restarted machine and checked nvidia driver:

 $ nvidia-smi
 NVIDIA-SMI 396.54                 Driver Version: 396.54

Checked nvcc:

$ nvcc --version
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2015 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Tue_Aug_11_14:27:32_CDT_2015
Cuda compilation tools, release 7.5, V7.5.17

Checked Cuda:

$ cat /usr/local/cuda/version.txt
CUDA Version 9.0.176

Checked Conda & Tensroflow

$ conda list | grep tensorflow
tensorflow                1.10.0          gpu_py36hcebf108_0    Anaconda
tensorflow-base           1.10.0          gpu_py36had579c0_0    Anaconda
tensorflow-gpu            1.10.0               hf154084_0    Anaconda

Finally tested tensorflow again

>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> hello = tf.constant('hi,tensorflow')
>>> sess = tf.Session()

It all worked. The issue was that nvidia driver was not compatible with cuda tensorflow so i updated to latest and it worked.

Author by


Updated on June 08, 2022


  • Frank.Fan
    Frank.Fan almost 2 years

    I get an error when I run my code, the error is:

    tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InternalError: Failed to create session.

    Here is my code:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import ...
    import ...
    MODEL_SAVE_PATH = "/home/vrview/tensorflow/example/char/data/model/"
    def getAllImages(folder):
        assert os.path.exists(folder)
        assert os.path.isdir(folder)
        imageList = os.listdir(folder)
        imageList = [os.path.join(folder,item) for item in imageList ]
        return imageList,num
    def get_labei():
        img_dir, num = getAllImages(r"/home/vrview/tensorflow/example/char/data/model/file/")
        for i in range(num):
            image = Image.open(img_dir[i])
            image = image.resize([56, 56])
            image = np.array(image)
            image_array = image
            with tf.Graph().as_default():
                image = tf.cast(image_array, tf.float32)
                image_1 = tf.image.per_image_standardization(image)
                image_2 = tf.reshape(image_1, [1, 56, 56, 3])
                logit = color_inference.inference(image_2)
                y = tf.nn.softmax(logit)
                x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[56, 56, 3])
                saver = tf.train.Saver()
                with tf.Session() as sess:
                  ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(MODEL_SAVE_PATH)
                  if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
                       global_step = ckpt.model_checkpoint_path.split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1]
                       saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
                       print('Loading success, global_step is %s' % global_step)
                       prediction = sess.run(y)
                       max_index = np.argmax(prediction)
                       print('No checkpoint file found')
            isExists = os.path.exists(path)
            if not isExists :
            shutil.copyfile(img_dir[i], path)
    def main(argv=None):
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    And here is my error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/vrview/tensorflow/example/char/data/model/color_class_2.py", line 61, in <module>
      File "/home/vrview/tensorflow/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/platform/app.py", line 44, in run
        _sys.exit(main(_sys.argv[:1] + flags_passthrough))
      File "/home/vrview/tensorflow/example/char/data/model/color_class_2.py", line 58, in main
      File "/home/vrview/tensorflow/example/char/data/model/color_class_2.py", line 40, in get_labei
        with tf.Session() as sess:
      File "/home/vrview/tensorflow/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/session.py", line 1187, in __init__
        super(Session, self).__init__(target, graph, config=config)
      File "/home/vrview/tensorflow/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/session.py", line 552, in __init__
        self._session = tf_session.TF_NewDeprecatedSession(opts, status)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 24, in __exit__
      File "/home/vrview/tensorflow/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/errors_impl.py", line 469, in raise_exception_on_not_ok_status
    tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InternalError: Failed to create session.
  • Frank.Fan
    Frank.Fan almost 7 years
    I restart my computer and this problem is solved .But I don't know why...
  • JCooke
    JCooke almost 7 years
    Possibly a memory issue. Restarting will clear any locks on the memory and will clear it out.
  • Preetom Saha Arko
    Preetom Saha Arko about 6 years
    After export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='' is used, no GPU acceleration is being used now. Also, if I work on a server, how can I handle it? I can't restart a server.