The EntityContainer name must be unique. An EntityContainer with the name 'Entities' is already defined


Solution 1

Your two EDMX files probably have the same entity container name. You need to change (at least) one of them.

In the GUI designer, open Model Browser. Look for a node that says "EntityContainer: Entities". Click it. In Properties, change Name to something else. Save and rebuild.

Solution 2

Hijacking this, since it is the top Google result for the error message.

In case anyone else encounters this while only using a single model/context: I once ran into this problem because the assembly containing the model/context was renamed and a copy with the previous name remained in the bin directory of the application. The solution was to delete the old assembly file.

Solution 3

I had the problem too but my solution was to clean the bin directory and then remove the connection string with the entity container name. Then I could rename my entities and put back the connection string.

Solution 4

I renamed my project but the old file was still in the bin folder. I just had to delete the old DLL from the bin folder.

Solution 5

I have found a way to save multiple containers with the same name (namespaced of course).

In EF5 and VS2012 you can set three different namespaces. First you can click on the edmx file in the solution browser and in the properties windows you can set the "Custom Tool Namespace", you can click on the * file right below the edmx and set another namespace there, and finally thanks to a lead from Mr Stuntz awesome answer I realized that by opening the edmx file and clicking in the white space you get another namespace field under Schema in the properties window.

Think we're done, not quite, I know you can see the Entity Container Name field and will try to change the name there but that doesn't seem to work, you get a little error that pops up. Ensure that all your edmx files have an individual namespace there. (I ensured I had a unique namespace in all three places)

Then go to your Model Browser and right click on EntityContainer: Entity to go to properties and change the name of your container(s). From that window with the namespace set everywhere I was able to get multiple contexts with the same name. I was dealing with things like blahcontext and blahcontextcontainer all of a sudden even though they were in different folders.

When you see that its a namespace problem. Or lack thereof.

Keith Barrows
Author by

Keith Barrows

Keith lives in Florida and specializes in Information Technology applications utilizing web technologies. He has been working in software ever since high school and stepped forward as a professional in the early 1990s. He is very good at figuring out new things on the fly. Technology is always changing. What is hot today is a memory tomorrow. Realizing this early on he spent his time becoming a Self-Sufficient Developer, somebody who can learn new things as they arise. He has demonstrated a passion to be highly proficient in any project he tackles. With over 20 years of experience Keith has consulted on all aspects of the software development life cycle from design and development to quality assurance and maintenance. He has worked in both the Agile and Water Fall methodologies of software creation, to include Scrum, Kan-ban and XP. Keith has a broad set of skills in the web sphere from light UI design to a deeper server-side knowledge of .NET including Core, Entity Framework, Web Forms, MVC, Web API, C#, VB as well as T-SQL and NoSql. Some of Keith's highlights include: Designed and built a Web Forms based system to replace a highly manual and error prone process that ended up saving the client over $10 million in governmental fines. Worked on updating a legacy system that could no longer handle the client load allowing the system to go from 100 clients with 100 users each to 500 clients with 250 users each. Experience leading 3 to 10 member development teams. Volunteered to be part of a 4 man team to self lead the development teams consisting of 26 developers and 8 QA personnel as the company was missing a CTO. Currently, Keith is an independent consultant with 20+ years of industry experience actively pursuing an even deeper understanding of .NET, cloud based security and web development. He is active on Stack Overflow, was a former ASP.NET MVP and a founding member of the ASPInsiders.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Keith Barrows
    Keith Barrows almost 2 years

    For a little background:

    I have a DLL project with the following structure:

    Rivworks.Model (project)  
      \Negotiation (folder)  
          Model.edmx (model from DB #1)  
      \NegotiationAutos (folder)  
          Model.edmx (model from DB #2)  

    I have moved the connection strings from this project's app.config to the web.config file. They are not in the ConnectionString section. Rather, I have a static class that consumes part of the web.config and exposes them to my app as AppSettings.[settingName].

    <FeedAutosEntities_connString>metadata=res://*/;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string='Data Source=db4;Initial Catalog=RivFeeds;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=****;Password=&quot;****&quot;;MultipleActiveResultSets=True'</FeedAutosEntities_connString>
    <RivWorkEntities_connString>metadata=res://*/NegotiationAutos.NegotiationAutos.csdl|res://*/NegotiationAutos.NegotiationAutos.ssdl|res://*/NegotiationAutos.NegotiationAutos.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string='Data Source=db2;Initial Catalog=RivFramework_Dev;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=****;Password=&quot;****&quot;;MultipleActiveResultSets=True'</RivWorkEntities_connString>

    I have 2 classes, one for each Context and they look like this:

    namespace RivWorks.Model
        public class RivWorksStore
            private RivWorks.Model.Negotiation.Entities _dbNegotiation;
            public RivWorksStore(string connectionString, string metadata, string provider)
                EntityConnectionStringBuilder entityBuilder = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder();
                entityBuilder.ConnectionString = connectionString;
                entityBuilder.Metadata = "res://*/";    // metadata;
                //entityBuilder.Provider = provider;
                _dbNegotiation = new RivWorks.Model.Negotiation.Entities(entityBuilder.ConnectionString);
            public RivWorks.Model.Negotiation.Entities NegotiationEntities()
                return _dbNegotiation;
    namespace RivWorks.Model
        public class FeedStoreReadOnly
            private RivWorks.Model.NegotiationAutos.Entities _dbFeed;
            public FeedStoreReadOnly(string connectionString, string metadata, string provider)
                EntityConnectionStringBuilder entityBuilder = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder();
                entityBuilder.ConnectionString = connectionString;
                entityBuilder.Metadata = "res://*/";    // metadata;
                //entityBuilder.Provider = provider;
                _dbFeed = new RivWorks.Model.NegotiationAutos.Entities(entityBuilder.ConnectionString);
            public RivWorks.Model.NegotiationAutos.Entities ReadOnlyEntities()
                return _dbFeed;

    You will note that the MetaData is being rewritten to a short version.

    When I comment out that line in each class I get this error:

    Unable to load the specified metadata resource.

    When I leave that line in in each class I get this error:

    Schema specified is not valid. Errors:

    Negotiation.Model.csdl(3,4) : error 0019: The EntityContainer name must be unique. An EntityContainer with the name 'Entities' is already defined.

    I know it is something simple, something obvious. Any suggestions welcome...

  • Keith Barrows
    Keith Barrows over 14 years
    yep - as simple as that. (still trying to understand the overall model of EF at the (usually hidden) class level.)
  • Ayo I
    Ayo I over 11 years
    You may also need to open the EDMX file in notepad as Visual Studio may not properly pick up the change when you simply change the container name in the property pane.
  • Chris
    Chris over 11 years
    I experienced the exact same issue after renaming my assembly . You need to manually delete the old files from the bin folder as a Visual Studio is no longer tracking them and performing a "Clean" will not remove them
  • Daniel Kabzon
    Daniel Kabzon over 11 years
    Greate, thanks a lot. I've got the same assembly of different versions, one in the bin of Web Service ( and another in the GAC ( In the config file I define two use the GAC version (Custom Role Provider). I had the same error ultill the old version dll had been removed from the bin folder.
  • tina Miller
    tina Miller over 10 years
    I also had to change the file and change the namespace there. I'm not sure that changing the actual edmx namespace changes anything though...
  • tina Miller
    tina Miller over 10 years
    Weird, if I don't set the namespace on the edmx (left click on edmx, not left click in white space), it stops generating half my POCOs. If I include it, I get an extra (empty) Model.cs class generated. If I change the namespace with left click in white space too, I get nothing but the Model.cs class. Ngngng
  • tina Miller
    tina Miller over 10 years
    Eejit me: in the same folder, so the second one generated obviously squishes the first...
  • ChrisO
    ChrisO about 10 years
    Just to clarify for others, the old assembly is located on the server side in the deploy location.
  • Codes with Hammer
    Codes with Hammer about 10 years
    In my case, I had one EDMX file that I dropped and re-added. I had to go through Model Browser => Properties to reestablish the container name.
  • trousyt
    trousyt over 9 years
    I was publishing to a web server and it doesn't delete old assemblies from the bin directory by default. This was exactly it.
  • TheSoftwareJedi
    TheSoftwareJedi almost 9 years
    This needs bumped to the top of the page. Excellent answer, saved me a headache. I wish I could changetip ya.
  • user230910
    user230910 over 8 years
    Jip, came back here after a few months and saw my original upvote. Wish I could upvote again
  • Mike Burger
    Mike Burger over 7 years
    The 'performing a clean will not remove them' cannot be emphasized enough.
  • Nick
    Nick over 7 years
    +1 This is the solution for me. Deleting bin contents on its own didn't solve it; the connection string part of this answer did the trick.
  • Federinik
    Federinik almost 7 years
    This helped, should be integrated in jpo's answer!
  • Admin
    Admin about 6 years
    This could happen both in VS2012 and still in VS2017
  • Alex
    Alex about 4 years
    For me, this answer together with MrFlo answer did the trick.