the processResult in select2 do not working


Solution 1

You should rename your JSON to return text instead of name.

Note that if you're using an older version of select2 (<4) you should use results instead of processResults.

Solution 2

In my case, I was refreshing the page and looking for the http request sent to fetch search data. So make sure you do a search to processResult get called.

Solution 3

processResults: function (data) {
  //There is my solution.Just directly manipulate the data
  $.each(data.items, function(i, d) {
    data.items[i]['text'] =;
  return {
      results: data.items
Author by


A curious Engineer currently working on stock exchange matching engine written in Java.

Updated on June 07, 2022


  • MDK
    MDK about 2 years

    I use select2 loading remote data I send an ajax request and get the response correctly but the processResult don't run and nothing will be show

    the javascript code :

    var formatProduct= 
    function(product) {
        if (product.loading) return product.text;
        var markup =  '<div class="product-to-compare" data=' + + '>' + + '</div>' ;
        return markup;
    var formatProductSelection = 
    function (product) {
    return || product.text;
        placeholder: "Search for product",
        minimumInputLength: 2,
        ajax: {
            url: '/product/ajax_product_list/',
            dataType: 'json',
            quietMillis: 300,
            data: function (params) {
                var id = $('#product-no-1').attr('data') ;
                return {
                    key: params,
                    id: id
            processResults: function (data) {
            return {
                results: data.items
        cache: true
      escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; }, // let our custom formatter work
      minimumInputLength: 1,
      templateResult: formatProduct, // omitted for brevity, see the source of this page
      templateSelection: formatProductSelection // omitted for brevity, see the source of this page

    and the JSON that my controller return as a response :

    "items": [
      {"id": "55dd980c8242b630cfaf4788", "name": "sallll"},
      {"id": "55d58d7a8242b62c6b88504e", "name" : "inja"}, 
      {"id": "55d58d558242b62c6b88504d", "name": "salam"}
  • MDK
    MDK almost 9 years
    I just rename the name to text in JSON file but nothing happen ! and even when I put a console.log("something") in ProcessResults function nothing printed in browser console ! @uri2x
  • uri2x
    uri2x almost 9 years
    Is it possible that you're getting cached data? Try removing cache:true.
  • MDK
    MDK almost 9 years
    I do it and still I can't get the response and now I found another problem ! my browser console show me an error that I can't understand it ! maybe it's cause of problem the error : TypeError: c.results is not a function ...taType,data:d,success:function(a){var b=c.results(a,;i.callback(b)}}),e
  • MDK
    MDK almost 9 years
    yeah I just change processResult to results and now I receive the data in my drop down form !
  • uri2x
    uri2x almost 9 years
    Congrats! (but you're probably using an old version of select2)
  • MDK
    MDK almost 9 years
    but when I use results function the delay property not working and browser send AJAX with every key down !
  • MDK
    MDK almost 9 years
    is there a way to use delay property in this old version of select2 ?
  • MDK
    MDK almost 9 years
    yeah man you were right ! the select2 that used in project was old I just update it and now everything is working good ! but if I don't edit my JSON file I have that problem even in new version of select2 ! thank you !
  • Nico Haase
    Nico Haase about 6 years
    Can you highlight the parts that solve the question? A reader should be able to learn quickly from your answer
  • ruwan800
    ruwan800 about 3 years
    Sorry for posting a stupid answer. Hope this helps someone anyway