Time and space complexity of dynamic programming algorithm


Let us execute the code:

Note the notation of recursion stack. 1.2.3. means third recursion countWaysDP(n-5) of second recursion countWaysDP(n-2) of countWaysDP(n).

Consider n=6

1. countWaysDP(6)
1.1. countWaysDP(5)
1.1.1. countWaysDP(4) countWaysDP(3) countWaysDP(2) countWaysDP(1) countWaysDP(0) //returns 1 countWaysDP(-1) //returns 0 countWaysDP(-2) //returns 0                        -> map[1] = 1 <- countWaysDP(0) //return 1 countWaysDP(-1) //return 0                           -> map[2] = 2 <- countWaysDP(1) //already claculated, returns map[1] countWaysDP(0) //returns 1                             ->map[3] = 4 <- countWaysDP(2) //already present, returns map[2] countWaysDP(1) //already present, returns map[1]         -> map[4] = 7 <-

1.1.2. countWaysDP(3) //already present, returns map[3]
1.1.3. countWaysDP(2) //already present, returns map[2]           -> map[5] = 13 <-

1.2. countWaysDP(4) //already present, returns map[4]
1.3. countWaysDP(3) //already present, returns map[3]             -> map[6] = 24 <-

Now assume that involking a method is O(1) operation. The total time taken for this example would be:

6 + 3 + (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2) = 19

So yes, you are correct about the TIME. Its 3n as the leftmost recursion path is taking O(n) and then all other calls are O(2n).

The recursion stack would take O(n) as the maximum stack depth is n + 3 and your map will take O(n) space. So yes again, the SPACE is O(n + n) = O(n).

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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • ddx
    ddx almost 2 years

    This algorithm is from Cracking the Coding Interview, 5th Edition, found here: https://www.geekbooks.me/book/view/cracking-the-coding-interview-5th-edition

    A child is running up a staircase with n steps, and can hop either 1 step, 2 steps, or 3 steps at a time. Implement a method to count how many possible ways the child can run up the stairs. Algorithm:

     public static int countWaysDP(int n, int[] map) {
        if (n < 0) {
            return 0;
        } else if (n == 0) {
            return 1;
        } else if (map[n] > -1) {
            return map[n];
        } else {
            map[n] = countWaysDP(n - 1, map) + 
                     countWaysDP(n - 2, map) + 
                     countWaysDP(n - 3, map);
            return map[n];

    What is the time and space complexity of this algorithm? I think since memoization is used, the results are stored so values don't get calculated multiple times like in the pure recursive method. Since there are three calls to countWaysDP the time complexity is O(3n) which is an element of O(n). The space complexity would be O(n+n) one n for the size of map and one n for the recursive call stack, which is also an element of O(n). Is my reasoning correct?


  • ddx
    ddx over 7 years
    Are you sure my code is exponential? I tested it (see here: pastebin.com/E1tG4ST7) and it appear to run in linear time. I do prefer your solution, but don't you use tabulation, not memoization?
  • Erik
    Erik over 7 years
    I did. Very good example and explanation. Nevertheless the shown recursion is not dynamic programming where you reuse former results.
  • Shasha99
    Shasha99 over 7 years
    But the sub-problems are being re-used and each unique sub-problem is being solved only once. for example if you see recursion it checks whether this sub-problem has already been solved or not and return the stored answer as this problem has already been solved. Thats what happens in Dynamic programming.
  • Erik
    Erik over 7 years
    Oh, you are right. I have missed that. Still quite confusing code :D
  • Shasha99
    Shasha99 over 7 years
    Hmm, Writing a recursive code for this problem is an overhead.
  • ddx
    ddx over 7 years
    @User_Targaryen, Why is map[3] = 4 and not = 3?
  • User_Targaryen
    User_Targaryen over 7 years
    @JohnT: I have commented the reason behind map[3]=4.. (all 1 steps) or (1 step then 2 step) or (2 step then 1 step) or (3 steps directly)