tkinter - How to set font for Text?


When specifying fonts in this manner, use a tuple:

text.configure(font=("Times New Roman", 12, "bold"))

Even better, you can create your own custom font objects and specify the attributes by name. Note: before you can create a font object you must first create a root window.

# python 2
# import Tkinter as tk
# from tkFont import Font

# python 3
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.font import Font

root = tk.Tk()
text = tk.Text(root)
myFont = Font(family="Times New Roman", size=12)

The advantage to creating your own fonts is that you can later change any attribute of the font, and every widget that uses that font will automatically be updated.

Zelphir Kaltstahl
Author by

Zelphir Kaltstahl

Updated on June 14, 2020


  • Zelphir Kaltstahl
    Zelphir Kaltstahl almost 4 years

    I am trying to find the best font for displaying utf-8 characters in a tk.Text.

    I let python print all the family names known to tk using this code:


    and all the known names for usages using this code:


    However the output out the families is a list of fonts, which have names consisting of one or more words. It's easy to set the ones with one word like this:

    text = tk.Text(master=self.frame)
    text.configure(font='helvetica 12')

    But when I try the same with the font names, which consist of multiple words, I get an error:

    _tkinter.TclError: expected integer but got <second word of the family name>

    I can't style it, since it is a tk and not a ttk widget, so unfortunately I cannot do:

    style.configure('My.TText', fontsize=12, font='<family name with multiple words>')

    I also tried to simply remove whitespace of the family name like this:


    But that causes tkinter to use some fallback font. I checked it entering a name like:


    And this results in printing the exact string I entered as a family name. So it simply accepts everything, except multiple worded names.

    I found some fonts, which do look OK, but only at certain sizes and I am not sure if they're available on most systems:

    # helvetica 12
    # gothic 13
    # mincho 13

    How can I set fonts with names consisting of multiple words? If I can't, which font, having a one worded name, is appropriate for displaying utf-8 characters like for example Chinese (but not exclusively!) characters on common font sizes and is available on most systems?