Toggle Show And Hide Only Some Table Rows


Your approach seems ok, i suggest you declare variables tr and i

alternately you could use class instead

 <span onclick="toggle('yes');">

 if (tr[i].className == thisname){

 <tr class=yes>
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Updated on June 14, 2022


    ONDEV about 2 years

    I am trying to show/hide (via a toggle mechanism) only certain rows in my table. I have gotten somewhat close, code is below. What I was reading about in other questions regarding this is the use of style id's and I have tried that but it fails for me. So that is why I used 'hide=yes' and pass that into the toggle function.

    This is going to be a table with a couple of hundred entries that when I click toggle can be reduce down to less than 30 on any given day.

    Is there a better way to do this?

            function toggle(thisname) {
               for (i=0;i<tr.length;i++){
                  if (tr[i].getAttribute(thisname)){
                     if ( tr[i].style.display=='none' ){
                        tr[i].style.display = '';
                  else {
                     tr[i].style.display = 'none';
    <span onClick="toggle('hide');">TOGGLE</span><br /><br />
       <tr ><td >display this row 1</td></tr>
       <tr hide=yes ><td>hide this row 1</td></tr>
       <tr><td>display this row 2</td></tr>
       <tr hide=yes ><td>hide this row 2</td></tr>
       <tr hide=yes ><td>hide this row 3</td></tr>
       <tr><td>display this row 3</td></tr>
       <tr><td>display this row 4</td></tr>
       <tr><td>display this row 5</td></tr>
       <tr><td>display this row 6</td></tr>
       <tr hide=yes ><td>hide this row 4</td></tr>
       <tr hide=yes ><td>hide this row 5</td></tr>
       <tr><td>display this row 7</td></tr>
       <tr hide=yes ><td>hide this row 6</td></tr>
       <tr hide=yes ><td>hide this row 7</td></tr>
    ONDEV over 12 years
    Yes, this works. Thank you. Is it better to use classname from a perspective of speed or readability, both?
  • david
    david over 12 years
    Getting the className would be faster than finding the attributes value i think, you can do some tests to be sure for the speed