Touch Keyboard on Windows 10 Logon Screen


Solution 1

Try to set the following checkbox: Control Panel -> Ease of Access -> Ease of Access Center -> Change sign-in settings [on the left] -> Type without keyboard (On-Screen Keyboard) : at sign-in.

enter image description here


Solution 2

Having the keyboard attached will change the behavior of Windows. Unplug the keyboard and reboot.

Alternatively you can try this:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Solution 3

In addition to the tips listed, you can also enable Tablet Mode. This will bring the on-screen keyboard each time input is needed.

To enable Tablet Mode, open the Notification bar (Win + A) and then click on Tablet Mode.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Jens
    Jens almost 2 years

    We are using Windows 10 on a kiosk system. Normally, the user interacts with the system via touch-screen, but a keyboard is available if required.

    We have enabled "Automatically show the touch keyboard in windowed apps when there's no keyboard attached to your device." in the typing settings Settings and during normal operation, this is what we require. Whenever the user uses the touch input to focus control that accepts text, the touch keyboard is shown. If he uses mouse or keyboard, it stays hidden.

    However, on the Login or Lock Screen, no keyboard is shown. A worse one may be manually shown using the Ease of Access settings, but this is not something that the user should need to do on every login. Can we get the same behaviour at the Login Screen as later in the OS?

    • harrymc
      harrymc over 6 years
      Questions: (1) Is Windows fully updated? (2) Are you on Tablet mode? (3) Does this behavior persist if you reboot the device? (4) Did this always happen or only began after a Windows update (interesting link)?
    • HackSlash
      HackSlash over 6 years
    • harrymc
      harrymc over 6 years
      Why do you post a bounty if you don't respond to comments & answers ?
    • Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style
      Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style over 6 years
      @harrymc Good question, I've always wondered that myself on those type of bounty questions. One somewhat slight commonality I've noticed with this regard (not every time though) is it's with members of communities when they have much higher rep in other SE communities so my guess would be they come here to ask question, it doesn't get attention, they bounty it eventually and then likely forget about it. I've had to go to the community they're a member of with the much higher rep and ping them about it there with a link back before which has worked for me a time or two.
    • Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style
      Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style over 6 years
      ^^^ I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know tho but my little two cents on the topic for my short time here on the SU community.
    • harrymc
      harrymc over 6 years
      @PimpJuiceIT: Interesting info. I always wondered if there wasn't anything SU could do about it, but starting a discussion about the subject on Meta probably won't come up with any agreed results.
    • Jens
      Jens over 6 years
      @harrymc:I am currently ill and not working on this problem for now. Talk about bad timing, sorry.
    • Jens
      Jens over 6 years
      Windows is fully updated. I am not on tablet mode. I will check if this could be done for our kind of application as soon as I am back in the office.
    • Jens
      Jens over 6 years
      For now, it happens every time, but we have not tried to do this on a much earlier update.
    • harrymc
      harrymc over 6 years
      Feel well - thank you for making the effort.
    • harrymc
      harrymc over 6 years
      Use regedit to go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Accessibility\ATs\osk. Check if CopySettingsToLockedDesktop is set to 1. Tablet mode should be set before.
  • Jens
    Jens over 6 years
    Thank you for your suggestion. We might use this if no other option materializes itself. We've found the on-screen-keyboard to have a far worse user experience than the touch keyboard, though.