Windows 10 blue rectangle when dragging window


You can get rid of the blue box by turning off the narrator (cap lock+esc).



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Levi Botelho
Author by

Levi Botelho

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Levi Botelho
    Levi Botelho almost 2 years

    When I drag a window on my Windows 10 laptop I get this blue rectangle that appears that follows my mouse around and lets me snap the window to a portion of the screen.

    Blue rectangle when dragging window

    I suspect that it may have to do with the fact that my laptop has a touchscreen and that it's supposed to make it easier to dock windows, but I don't really know.

    Does anybody know how to get rid of this?

    • Levi Botelho
      Levi Botelho about 8 years
      Thanks @davidpostill, I didn't know the name of it so couldn't find the dupe :).
  • Levi Botelho
    Levi Botelho about 8 years
    It's not a blue rectangle around what I click, it's a rectangle that hovers near my mouse when I drag a window. It's unrelated to the narrator. I think it may have to do with the fact that my laptop has a touch screen (to make it easier to dock windows) but I don't really know.
  • Florian F
    Florian F almost 7 years
    For me it was the narrator and the search for "blue rectnagle follows focus" took me here. So you solved my problem if not the OP's.