Trigger event with parameters


Solution 1

You may create custom events


<a href="#" id="button">click me</a>


var button = document.getElementById("button");
button.addEventListener("custom-event", function(e) {
    console.log("custom-event", e.detail);
button.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
    var event = new CustomEvent("custom-event", {'detail': {
        custom_info: 10,
        custom_property: 20

Output after click on the link:

custom-event Object {custom_info: 10, custom_property: 20} 

More information could be found here.

Solution 2

Creating an event

To create a simple event, use the Event constructor.

var event = document.createEvent('MyEvent');

However, if you want to pass data along with the event use the CustomEvent constructor instead.

var event = CustomEvent('MyEvent', { 'detail': 'Wow, my very own Event!' });

Dispatching the event

You can then raise the event with targetElement.dispatchEvent.

var elem =document.getElementById('myElement');

Catching the event

elem.addEventListener('MyEvent', function (e) { console.log(e.detail); }, false);

For older browsers( Pre-IE9)

You have to use the document.createEvent function.

// Create the event.
var event = document.createEvent('Event');

// Define that the event name is 'build'.
event.initEvent('MyEvent', true, true);

//Any Element can dispatch the event

Note that this method is deprecated and should only be used for compatibility purposes.

More help : MDN: Creating_and_triggering_events

Solution 3

the event object and an additional custom parameter

That's impossible with the native DOM methods. Handlers are called with only one argument, which is the event object. So if there is any data you need to pass along, you need to make it a (custom) property of your event object. You might use the DOM4 CustomEvent constructor for that (see the MDN docs for a cross-browser shim).

Then use dispatchEvent as you would normally with (custom or native) script-triggered events. For IE below 9, you seem to need to use fireEvent.


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Author by


I'm a developer :)

Updated on July 27, 2022


  • andy
    andy almost 2 years

    This is pretty annoying. I want to just trigger an event in javascript. I need to pass the event object into the parameters as usual and an additional custom parameter.

    In jQuery, this would be super easy:

    $('#element').trigger('myevent', 'my_custom_parameter');

    But I don't want to use this however. Every other question I have found relating to this has just suggested 'use jQuery!' It's for a plugin I'm developing and to require jQuery for one method is pretty silly. Can anyone point to a way to do the above in vanilla JS that's cross-browser compatible?

    • Sean Vieira
      Sean Vieira over 10 years
      How cross browser? All modern browsers (e. g. IE 10+) or current legacy (IE 8) or as far back as is feasible?
    • Bergi
      Bergi over 10 years
      Why do you need custom events in the DOM?
    • andy
      andy over 10 years
      @SeanVieira IE8 compatibility preferably.
    • Sean Vieira
      Sean Vieira over 10 years
      @Bergi - I would imagine because he wants his component to create events that make sense for the component. (For example, using an addOption event rather than click and blur)
    • andy
      andy over 10 years
      @Bergi It's a plugin to trigger an event on highlight but there are lots of reasons for custom events.
    • Bergi
      Bergi over 10 years
      @andy: OK, I just wanted to know about the context of your question, whether you need the DOM or could work without it. Now it's clear…
    • Bergi
      Bergi over 10 years
      Have you found anything already (that is not cross-browser-compatible)?
    • andy
      andy over 10 years
      @Bergi - Oh sorry I misunderstood. The DOM is needed in this case
    • andy
      andy over 10 years
      Not as of yet no. Every article I've come across is either vague or doesn't go into the custom parameters part