Trying to understand the AsyncToken in Flex/Actionscript


Solution 1

If you want to access the properties used during the remote call (parameters to the call and/or AsycToken), you can make use of closures. Just define the result event handler inside the calling method as a closure. It can then access any variable in the calling function.

public function testSerivceCall(data:Object, callBackCommand:String):void
    var _handleTestResult:Function = function( event:ResultEvent ) : void 
        // token is visible here now
        if (callBackCommand == "FOO")
            // do something related to "FOO"
            // do something else with the result event

    var remoteObject:RemoteObject;
    remoteObject = new RemoteObject();
    remoteObject.destination = "zend";
    remoteObject.source = "MyService";
    remoteObject.endpoint = "";
    remoteObject.test.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, _handleTestResult);
    remoteObject.test.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, _handleTestFault);
    var token = remoteObject.test(data);

Solution 2

I did not even need closures. I added a class as below which I called externally.

The call was like this:

 public class MyClass
    var adminServerRO:AdminServerRO = new AdminServerRO();

public class AdminServerRO

   private function extResult( event:ResultEvent, token:Object ) : void
       //the token is now accessed from the paremeter
        var tmp:String = "in here";

   private function extFault( event:FaultEvent ) : void
     var tmp:String = "in here";

   public function testSerivceCall(callBackCommand:String, cptyId:String):void 
      var remoteObject:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject(); 
      remoteObject.destination = "adminServer"; 
      var token:AsyncToken = remoteObject.getCounterpartyLimitMonitorItemNode(cptyId);
      token.addResponder(new AsyncResponder(extResult,extFault,cptyId));


Solution 3

While the accepted answer will accomplish what the original submitter wants it does not actually answer the question which was asked. An AsyncToken is created as a result of a remote method call and is accessible from the ResultEvent. Since AsyncToken is a dynamic class you can add whatever property to it that you want. The code below should demonstrate this:

public function testSerivceCall(data:Object, callBackCommand:String):void

     var remoteObject:RemoteObject;
     remoteObject = new RemoteObject();
     remoteObject.destination = "zend";
     remoteObject.source = "MyService";
     remoteObject.endpoint = "";
     remoteObject.test.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, _handleTestResult);
     remoteObject.test.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, _handleTestFault);
     var token:AsyncToken = remoteObject.test(data);
     token.callBackCommand = callBackCommand;

private function _handleTestResult( event:ResultEvent ) : void 

     if (event.token.callBackCommand == "FOO")
         // do something related to "FOO"
         // do something else with the result event


 private function _handleTestFault( event:FaultEvent ) : void 
      //event.token.callBackCommand should be populated here too

Solution 4

If I'm reading your question correctly, you're trying to figure out how to access the actual data returned by the ResultEvent ?

If so, assuming you've made the call correctly and you've gotten data back in a format you're expecting:

private function _handleTestResult( event:ResultEvent ) : void 
  // you get the result from the result property on the event object
  // edit: assuming the class Person exists with a property called name
  //       which has the value "John"
  var person : Person = event.result as Person;

  if ( == "John")
  {"John: " +;
  {"Not John: " +;

private function _handleTestFault( event:FaultEvent ) : void 
  // Maybe you know the type of the returned fault
  var expectedFault : Object = event.fault as MyPredefinedType

  if (expectedFault.myPredefinedTypesPredefinedMethod() == "BAR")
    // something here

The ResultEvent has a property called result which will hold an instance of the object returned by the result (it might be the output of an XML file if using a web service, or a serialized object if using AMF, for example). This is what you want to access. Similarly, FaultEvent has a fault property that returns the fault information.

Edit: Changed code in _handleTestResult() in response to Gordon Potter's comment.

Gordon Potter
Author by

Gordon Potter

Web developer from Seattle.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Gordon Potter
    Gordon Potter about 2 years

    I am trying to understand the way the AsyncToken works in actionscript. How can I call a remote service and ensure that a specific parameter is available in the result or fault event functions? I think it is the async functionality I want to use.

    The following code will hopefully explain what I am trying to do. Feel free to modify the code block as your explanation.


    public function testSerivceCall(data:Object, callBackCommand:String):void
        // Assume callBackCommand == "FOO";
        // How can I pass in callBackCommand as a parameter to the result or fault events?
        // How do I create an async token here?
        var remoteObject:RemoteObject;
        remoteObject = new RemoteObject();
        remoteObject.destination = "zend";
        remoteObject.source = "MyService";
        remoteObject.endpoint = "";
        remoteObject.test.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, _handleTestResult);
        remoteObject.test.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, _handleTestFault);
    private function _handleTestResult( event:ResultEvent ) : void 
        // How do I get the async token value?
        // How can I get the value of callBackCommand in this code block?
        if (callBackCommand == "FOO")
            // do something related to "FOO"
            // do something else with the result event
    private function _handleTestFault( event:FaultEvent ) : void 
        // How do I get the async token value?
        // How can I get the value of callBackCommand in this code block?

    An edit to make this question more clear:

    Assume I make the following method call somewhere in my code:

    testSerivceCall(personObject, "LoginCommand");

    How do I get access to the actual string "LoginCommand" inside the _handleTestResult function block?

    The reason I want to do this is because I want to dynamically call back certain functions and hand off the result data to specific commands that I know ahead of time when I am making the service call.

    I am just having a time grokking the AsyncToken syntax and functionality.

  • Gordon Potter
    Gordon Potter almost 15 years
    Ok I think this partially makes sense. But I need to be more clear I think. Assume the above code and then assume I make the following function call somewhere in my project: testSerivceCall(personObject, "John"); Now inside my service result how get access to the actual string "John"? Perhaps I want to do some very specific if it is a person object that contains "John". Does this make sense?
  • Gordon Potter
    Gordon Potter almost 15 years
    Ok, this makes sense thanks! Still getting a handle on closures.