Ubuntu 18.04 - cannot turn bluetooth on


Solution 1

Unblocking bluetooth using rfkill command solved this issue for me

First block bluetooth completely : rfkill block bluetooth

Then unblock it : rfkill unblock bluetooth

Note: If you don't have rfkill package installed in your system, then install it using sudo apt install rfkill.

Solution 2

Welcome to Ubuntu! I'm assuming you have the latest version 18.04, so first you need to find your Bluetooth settings which you can either go to via the main Settings menu, or direct from your panel search:

Find Bluetooth

This will bring up your Bluetooth settings:

Bluetooth Settings

From here you can enable/disable Bluetooth. It will scan for any nearby devices, then you can click on them to pair.

If you have problems doing any of this, then it's likely that you've accidentally disabled the Bluetooth switch on your laptop, in which case it won't work in Windows either.

Update - try this:

sudo echo 'AutoEnable=true' >/etc/bluetooth/main.conf && /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Helly
    Helly almost 2 years

    After installing Ubuntu as a dual-boot to Windows 10, everything looks fantastic, but one thing is a bit irritating... I cannot turn Bluetooth on. My laptop is a Samsung NP350E7C-S04PL.

    • velix
      velix about 6 years
      Please add the output of sudo rfkill list all. If you don't have rfkill installed, just install it: sudo apt install rfkill
    • Helly
      Helly about 6 years
      it says: 0: hci0: Bluetooth soft blocked: no, hard blocked: no
    • Nigini
      Nigini over 5 years
      Updating the module as described here makes sense: medium.com/@overcode/… I have done it and after rebooting I have not had problems when playing with "bluetooth scenarions" (like hibernating computing with it on/off, headset connected and not, audio streaming and not.) I guess it is too early to say this solved the problem, but it is promising.
    • Goahnary
      Goahnary about 4 years
      My issues resolved after adding my user to the bluetooth group. sudo adduser [username] bluetooth. This may have not been the answer but documenting my experience for others to try.
  • Helly
    Helly about 6 years
    Hi! Problem is I can't turn this button "on". It's off and when I try to "switch" it to on, it thinks for a long time, then it's "on", but still not working/disabled. When I access the settings again - it's "off". It worked on Windows, and not working now...
  • JimDeadlock
    JimDeadlock about 6 years
    Have a look at /etc/bluetooth/main.conf - it should have this (uncommented) at the end - AutoEnable=true
  • Helly
    Helly about 6 years
    "no such file or catalog"... hmm, probably I do something wrong...
  • Helly
    Helly about 6 years
    when I type the command You wrote, it says "no access".
  • Hayko Koryun
    Hayko Koryun about 6 years
    @Helly try doing sudo su and then the command (without the sudo in the beginning since you don't need it anymore)
  • JimDeadlock
    JimDeadlock about 6 years
    @Helly you should copy the command I gave you and paste it into your terminal (CTRL+SHIFT+V), it will prompt you for your password (when you type it you won't see anything appear on screen). When you're done try your bluetooth again.
  • Karavana
    Karavana over 5 years
    This did not work on me either. typing the command wont change anything
  • Przemysław Czechowski
    Przemysław Czechowski almost 5 years
    @HaykoKoryun or just do sudo vim /etc/bluetooth/main.confand check manually if AutoEnable=true is present and add it if not. And then run the second part of the command.
  • Amreesh Tyagi
    Amreesh Tyagi over 4 years
    Worked for me. Thanks
  • chimbo
    chimbo over 4 years
    This also worked for me - but not on the first try. I tried JimDeadlock's suggestions, restarted my laptop, and ran sudo service bluetooth restart several times. Bluetooth still refused to turn in and kept hanging when I tried to do so. So then I did Sparkzz's solution, and still nothing. Then I ran sudo rfkill block bluetooth, restarted my laptop, then ran sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth and then sudo service bluetooth restart one more time. Bluetooth had successfully turned on after that. (I'm on a Dell XPS 13 9350)
  • Sunit Gautam
    Sunit Gautam almost 4 years
    Thanks, worked fine!