Unable to change the Java update settings in Windows 7 control panel


The root cause of this problem is the Policy registry key. The user with administrative privilege can only change this registry key value.

  1. Open Command Prompt as administrator: in Start menu type cmd, right-click on cmd.exe and select Run as administrator.
  2. In Command Prompt window type C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javacpl.exe (this is for Windows 7 64-bit with Java SE 7).
  3. On Update tab uncheck option Check for updates Automatically.

Source: Why are the Java update settings not saved in the Java control panel?

Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • andrew
    andrew almost 2 years

    We have this project using Polymer as the FrontEnd and Node.js as the API being consumed by Polymer, and our Node API replies a really long time especially if you just leave the page alone for like 10 minutes. Upon further investigation by inserting a DATE calculation in the MySQL Query, I found out that MySQL responds a Really long time. The query looks like this:

    var query = dataStruct['formed_query'];
    var now = Date.now();
    console.log("Getting Data for Foobar Query============ "+Date());
    GLOBAL.db_foobar.getConnection(function(err1, connection) {
        ////console.log("requesting MySQL connection");
                console.log("response from MySQL Foobar Query============= "+Date());
                console.log("MySQL response Foobar Query=========> "+(Date.now()-now)+" ms");
                    //respond.respondJSON is just a res.json(msg); but I've added a similar calculation for response time starting from express router.route until res.json occurs
                    var msg = {
                        "desc":"[Foobar Query]Error Getting Connection",
            var msg = {
                "desc":"[Foobar Query]Error Getting Connection",


    When Chrome Developer tools reports a LONG PENDING time for the API, this happens to my log.

    SELECT * FROM `foobar_table`  LIMIT 0,20;
    MySQL response Foobar Query=========> 10006 ms

    I'm dumbfounded as to why this is happening.

    We have our system hosted in Google Cloud Services. Our MySQL is a Google SQL service with an activation policy of ALWAYS. We've also set that our Node Server, which is a Google Compute Engine, to keep alive TCP4 connections via:

    echo 'net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 60' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
    sudo /sbin/sysctl --load=/etc/sysctl.conf

    I'm using mysql Pool from node-mysql

    db_init.database = 'foobar_dbname';
    //GLOBAL.db_foobar = mysql.createConnection(db_init);
    GLOBAL.db_foobar = mysql.createPool(db_init);
    GLOBAL.db_foobar.on('connection', function (connection) {
        setTimeout(tryForceRelease, mysqlForceTimeOut,connection);

    db_init looks like this:

    db_init = {
                host     : 'ip_address_of_GCS_SQL',
                user     : 'user_name_of_GCS_SQL[![enter image description here][1]][1]',
                password : '',
                database : '',
                supportBigNumbers: true,

    I'm also forcing to release connections if they're not released in 2 minutes, just to make sure it's released

    function tryForceRelease(connection)
            //console.log("force releasing connection");
            //do nothing
            //console.log("connection already released");

    This is really wracking my brains out here. If anyone can help please do. LONG PENDING IMAGE

    • Pankaj Upadhyay
      Pankaj Upadhyay over 12 years
      LOL...I earned a tumbleweed batch for this one....Is this such a lame or rather i should say difficult question for superusers to answer.
    • andrew
      andrew over 8 years
      Just on a side note, when this doesn't happen, the response time for MySQL is 3-7ms and my Total Response time is between 61ms to (at worst) 500ms
    • Vadim
      Vadim over 8 years
      try enabling the slow query log (cloud.google.com/sql/docs/diagnose-issues#query-logs) in MySQL to narrow down/confirm the location of the slowness. Also what kind of machine type are you using for the GCE instance and what tier is the Cloud SQL instance?
    • andrew
      andrew over 8 years
      Thanks for the response, we've turned on the slow query logs. We're using D4 tier for the GCS-SQL (4GB memory) and we're using the 1CPU, 3.75GB Compute Engine (lowest default setup) with 40GB SSD for the NODE server
    • andrew
      andrew over 8 years
      Update: I have had this instance also when Chome Dev Tools say it's delayed 2 minutes BUT my API says it responded in 21ms
    • andrew
      andrew over 8 years
      Update2: Have not yet found a MySQL delay that corresponds to the delay that Chrome Dev Tools reported. But the delay is still reported by Chrome
    • andrew
      andrew over 8 years
      Update3: I just realized for the slow log to work I have to remove the force connection.release routine. Waiting for data gathering again
    • andrew
      andrew over 8 years
      Still no slow queries from MySQL Logs
    • Vadim
      Vadim over 8 years
      Would you be willing to try node-mysql2 (github.com/sidorares/node-mysql2) to rule out node-mysql as the cause of issues?
    • andrew
      andrew over 8 years
      way ahead of you Vadim, used it and, although the instances of the delays are farther, but they still occur. And I just left it to run in the server for the past 2 days without touching it, the connections now emit an error ETIMEDOUT. I think the mysql pool system in node's mysql module (or mysql2) has a problem or maybe I should be checking for connection timeouts/disconnects? I checked MySQL via SHOW PROCESSLIST; and the original 25 connections that I had became 5 with a sleep status. And these errors occur already. Maybe I should veer away from using the MySQL pool for the moment
    • andrew
      andrew over 8 years
      25 connections from the server since there are 5 Node APIs with, if I'm not mistaken, 5 minimum connections for each pool.
    • Vadim
      Vadim over 8 years
      I'm running out of ideas :) One thing you can try is lowering mysql's wait_timeout to a really low value (say 15 minutes) and see what effect it has. If it exacerbates the issue, then we know the issue is due to idle connections, if it doesn't have any effect then we don't know anything yet :) (I wouldn't recommend performing this experiment on a production system, from looking at the node-mysql[2] code they don't seem to handle idle connections very well)
  • Robert Kerr
    Robert Kerr about 11 years
    Uninstalling plugins or disabling Java in the browsers is recommended but is not fully bound to whether Java updates should be automatically done otherwise.
  • andrew
    andrew over 8 years
    Wow, this is actually good... and it tries to keep the pool alive not just a single connection. Brilliant!
  • Amalgovinus
    Amalgovinus over 7 years
    There's no "update" tab in javacpl.