Update single field using spring data jpa


Solution 1

You can try something like this on your repository interface:

@Query("update EARAttachment ear set ear.status = ?1 where ear.id = ?2")
int setStatusForEARAttachment(Integer status, Long id);

You can also use named params, like this:

@Query("update EARAttachment ear set ear.status = :status where ear.id = :id")
int setStatusForEARAttachment(@Param("status") Integer status, @Param("id") Long id);

The int return value is the number of rows that where updated. You may also use void return.

See more in reference documentation.

Solution 2

Hibernate offers the @DynamicUpdate annotation. All we need to do is to add this annotation at the entity level:

@Entity(name = "EARAttachment ")
@Table(name = "EARAttachment ")
public class EARAttachment {
    //Code omitted for brevity

Now, when you use EARAttachment.setStatus(value) and executing "CrudRepository" save(S entity), it will update only the particular field. e.g. the following UPDATE statement is executed:

UPDATE EARAttachment 
SET    status = 12,
WHERE  id = 1
Dmitrii Borovoi
Author by

Dmitrii Borovoi

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Dmitrii Borovoi
    Dmitrii Borovoi almost 2 years

    I'm using spring-data's repositories - very convenient thing but I faced an issue. I easily can update whole entity but I believe it's pointless when I need to update only a single field:

    @Table(schema = "processors", name = "ear_attachment")
    public class EARAttachment {
        private Long id;
        private String originalName;
        private String uniqueName;//yyyy-mm-dd-GUID-originalName
        private long size;
        private EARAttachmentStatus status;

    to update I just call method save. In log I see the followwing:

    batching 1 statements: 1: update processors.ear_attachment set message_id=100, 
    where id=1 

    I would like to see some thing like this:

    batching 1 statements: 1: update processors.ear_attachment set status=2 where id=1 

    Spring's repositories have a lot of facilities to select something using name conventions, maybe there is something similar for update like updateForStatus(int status);