Updating a phone number in the Exchange GAL using Powershell


actually my own previous post wouldn't have worked. this works (and doesn't require 3rd party products):

$user = get-aduser jdoe
Set-ADObject $user -Replace @{telephoneNumber=12345}

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Juanjo Daza
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Juanjo Daza

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Juanjo Daza
    Juanjo Daza over 1 year

    How do I use powershell to update the Exchange GAL with "Business Phone" and Location? I don't see them in "get-mailbox"

    enter image description here

  • Juanjo Daza
    Juanjo Daza over 12 years
    I get the error 'get-adobject' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet .. I think I need to load a runspace. Do you know what that is?
  • Jordan W.
    Jordan W. over 12 years
    yes, you need to install AD RSAT tools. and be sure to include the Powershell cmdlets. First you download RSAT from the web, then you have to turn on those Features in Add Windows Features. THEN open powershell and run import-module active*. hope that helps