Updating the version of Jasmine used in karma-jasmine


Solution 1

You can know the jasmine version you are using by running the following Spec:

describe('Test to print out jasmine version', function() {
  it('prints jasmine version', function() {
    console.log(jasmine.version || (jasmine.getEnv().versionString && jasmine.getEnv().versionString()));

and then checking the karma output in your console or browser. It should be something like:

LOG: 'jasmine-version:'
LOG: '2.3.4'

The jasmine library is included in the jasmine-runner plugin as you've already found out. You can find the exact place where this file is loaded in the source code of the plugin: https://github.com/karma-runner/karma-jasmine/blob/master/lib/index.js (line 7)

You can try to modify the plugin so that an upgrade is possible and send a pull request to karma (see http://karma-runner.github.io/0.10/dev/contributing.html)

Solution 2

It a better option to stick to the jasmine version in karma-jasmine and update the whole package. You can use the following command to get the version of all the installed packages:

  npm ls

To get the version of the installed global packages:

  npm ls -g

To view the latest version available on CDN, use:

  npm view karma-jasmine version

Before updating, you can view all versions at the CDN using:

  npm view karma-jasmine versions

To install a specific version:

  npm install karma-jasmine@~0.2.2 

(0.2.2 is the latest available).

Matthew Rankin
Author by

Matthew Rankin

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Matthew Rankin
    Matthew Rankin almost 2 years



    I've installed Karma and karma-jasmine using Yeoman as follows:

    $ npm install -g generator-angular
    $ mkdir myapp && cd $_
    $ yo angular

    Given that myapp/bower.json didn't list Jasmine as one of the Bower installed front-end packages but myapp/karma.conf.js listed Jasmine as the default testing framework, I was surprised the command grunt test worked. (The Gruntfile.js, bower.json, and karma.conf.js files were all created as part of the yo angular scaffolding process.)

    Upon closer inspection of the myapp/node_modules packages, I realized that karma-jasmine doesn't point to a separate installation of Jasmine. The karma-jasmine plugin actually installs Jasmine:

    ▼ myapp/
      ▼ karma_jasmine/
        ▼ lib/

    Given that karma-jasmine says it is an "adapter for the Jasmine testing framework," I was a little surprised that karma-jasmine didn't require us to install Jasmine separately.

    Package Versions

    Here are the various package versions used:

    • Karma: "~0.10.8" per myapp/package.json contents
    • karma-jasmine: "~0.1.4" per myapp/package.json contents
    • Yeoman: "1.0.6" per npm list -g | grep yo command results
    • Jasmine: Unknown but based on a few diffs, I'm almost wondering if karma-jasmine includes a customized version of Jasmine to work with Karma.
  • ossek
    ossek over 10 years
    looks like there is a pending PR for karma-jasmine 2.0 update: github.com/karma-runner/karma-jasmine/pull/18; and as referenced there, for folks using angular also: github.com/angular/angular.js/pull/5662
  • ossek
    ossek over 10 years
    ...and currentSpec is changed to work for Jasmine 2 in the new release (1.2.11)! github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md.
  • Mike
    Mike almost 10 years
    The syntax to print the version number seems to differ between v1.3 and v2.0. See: stackoverflow.com/questions/24658007/…
  • Ted M. Young
    Ted M. Young over 9 years
    This is wrong: npm view <thing> version tells you what the published package.json of <thing> says (i.e., what's in the registry), not what you have installed on your machine. See stackoverflow.com/questions/10972176/…
  • gravidThoughts
    gravidThoughts about 9 years
    The point of the OP was to determine the version of Jasmine, not the version of the karma-jasmine adapter. They are two very different things.
  • Rogério Peixoto
    Rogério Peixoto about 8 years
    I have updated Karma-Jasmine to 0.3.8 (latest) version but when I try to run the code snippet above to find out the jasmine-core version... it still shows 1.3.1