Use variables inside an anonymous function, which is defined somewhere else


The point of the use keyword is to inherit/close over a particular environment state from the parent scope into the Closure when it's defined, e.g.

$foo = 1;

$fn = function() use ($foo) {
    return $foo;

$foo = 2;

echo $fn(); // gives 1

If you want $foo to be closed over at a later point, either define the closure later or, if you want $foo to be always the current value (2), pass $foo as a regular parameter.

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Updated on June 03, 2022


  • w00
    w00 almost 2 years

    When using anonymous functions in PHP, you can easily use variables from right outside of its scope by using the use() keyword.

    In my case the anonymous functions are already defined somewhere, but called later on (somewhere else) in a class.

    The following piece of code is to illustrate the idea:

    $bla = function ( $var1 ) use ($arg)
                echo $var1;
    class MyClass
        private $func;
        public function __construct ( $func )
            $this->func = $func;
        public function test ( $arg )
            $closure =  $this->func;
            $closure ( 'anon func' );
    $c = new MyClass($bla);
    $c->test ( 'anon func' );

    What i'm doing is i create an anonymous function and store that in a variable. I pass that variable to the method of a class and that is where i want to run the anonymous function.

    But i can't use the use() keyword to get the $arg parameter from the method this way. Because the anonymous function was declared outside of the method.

    But i really need a way to get the variables from the method where the anonymous function is run from. Is there a way to do that, when the anonymous function is declared somewhere else..?

  • w00
    w00 over 11 years
    Was hoping there was something i overlooked. But appearently there is no other way then to pass the needed variables as parameter.
  • newacct
    newacct over 11 years
    you should mention it's called "Lexical Scoping". All modern programming languages use lexical scoping.