Using CheckStyle in NetBeans and configuring the CheckStyle rules


Specify the "Config file" in the Options dialog.

This can be seen in the screenshot. (Set as netbeans_checks.xml).


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Physicist by training, now a programmer by choice. My languages of preference are Java and C, although I am also skilled in C# and many assembly languages, and competent in Perl, general shell scripting, and a handful of other languages I use less often. I can speak basic SQL. I write my HTML by hand and prefer table-free page layout. NOTE: I never do retaliatory downvotes or anything petty like that. I am here to learn as well as to teach. If something I write is worthy of a downvote, please leave a comment to let me know why. If I am incorrect, I want to know! I use Linux by preference, but also develop extensively under Windows. I've developed under various embedded and custom OS's and RTOS's (primarily Microware OS-9 and VxWorks), assorted UNIXes, VAX/VMS, and assorted Windows releases. I've played with RSTS/E and a few other operating systems that are unknown today. My home website is pretty sparse, but will some day be populated. Really.

Updated on May 25, 2022


  • Eddie
    Eddie about 2 years

    I am using NetBeans 6.5. For CheckStyle, I have downloaded and installed the nbcheckstyle.nbm plugin. I am able to use CheckStyle with this plugin.

    I want to configure the rules to be checked. I am not able to do it as it is an .nbm file. Any suggestion on how to configures the rules?


  • Bob Stout
    Bob Stout about 9 years
    I didn't know I downvoted it. :/ I think maybe it was an inadvertent click, but I tried to change it and it wouldn't let me unless it was edited.
  • skomisa
    skomisa over 8 years
    Over six years later this answer remains valid for NetBeans 8. The only point I'd add is that you need to restart NetBeans for your config file to become effective.