Using generics causes unchecked conversion warning


You can suppress the warning, but if you do so, you are relying 100% on the third-party library, and discarding the assurance of Java generic types: that any ClassCastException raised at runtime will occur right at an explicit cast.

Our coding standard is to suppress warnings only when we can prove the code is type safe—and we treat any calls outside the package as a black box, and don't rely on any comments about the content of a raw collection. So, suppression is extremely rare. Usually, if the code is type safe, the compiler can determine it, although sometimes we have to give it some help. The few exceptions involve arrays of generic type that don't "escape" from a private context.

If you don't fully trust the third-party library, create a new collection, and add the contents after casting them to OMEElementImpl. That way, if there is a bug in the library, you find out about it right away, rather than having some code far distant in time and space blow up with a ClassCastException.

For example:

Iterator<?> tmp = detail.getChildElements();
Collection<OMElementImpl> elements = new ArrayList<OMElementImpl>();
while (tmp.hasNext())
  elements.add((OMElementImpl); /* Any type errors found here! */
String innerText = getException(elements.iterator());

Remember, generics were not invented to make code look pretty and require less typing! The promise of generics is this: Your code is guaranteed to be type-safe if it compiles without warnings. That is it. When warnings are ignored or suppressed, code without a cast operator can mysteriously raise a ClassCastException.

Update: In this case, especially, it seems extremely risky to assume that the result of getChildElements is a iterator of OMElementImpl. At best, you might assume that they are OMElement, and that's only implied from the class, not anything on the method in particular.

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Former Community Manager at Stack Exchange (August 2013-November 2017). My posts from before or after that time period (and, like, a bunch of the ones from during it, too) should not be considered "official" in any way. Joel: I have all these opinions ... and no outlet for them! Josh: Have you tried yelling them at the Internet? Joel: Almost exclusively! And yet problems still persist! -"The Grand Opining", HijiNKS ENSUE, by Joel Watson "On two occasions I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' ... I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question." -Charles Babbage Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law. -Douglas Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

Updated on June 22, 2022


  • Pops
    Pops almost 2 years

    I have the following code

    String innerText = null;
    innerText = this.getException(detail.getChildElements());

    causing this warning

    Type safety: The expression of type Iterator needs unchecked conversion to conform to Iterator

    The referenced method is

    private String getException(Iterator<OMElementImpl> iterator) { ... }

    The other method, getChildElements(), is in a JAR file that I can't touch. There are no other warnings or errors.

    From Googling, it seems like the usual way to get rid of this sort of warning is

    String innerText = this.getException(detail.getChildElements());

    because the compiler can't guarantee safety ahead of time, but I'd prefer to avoid using SuppressWarnings if possible... is there a better way?

    EDIT: getChildElements() is documented here

  • matt b
    matt b over 14 years
    Verifying contents of a collection returned by a third party library like this is good advice.
  • Miserable Variable
    Miserable Variable over 14 years
    As an alternative to creating a new collection see Iterables.transform in Google Collections‌​le/…
  • Pops
    Pops over 14 years
    Well, I'm a new junior developer and have been assured that it's okay to make the assumption in this particular case; I (and my tech lead, for that matter) just hate seeing the little warning icon. +1/accepted for giving good general advice, though.