Using OpenCV detectMultiScale to find my face


I changed your code a little in order to make it run on my pc. When I run is at such I get results

import cv2
import as cv
import getopt, sys

def detect(img, cascade):
    for scale in [float(i)/10 for i in range(11, 15)]:
        for neighbors in range(2,5):
            rects = cascade.detectMultiScale(img, scaleFactor=scale, minNeighbors=neighbors,
                                             minSize=(20, 20),

            print 'scale: %s, neighbors: %s, len rects: %d' % (scale, neighbors, len(rects))

def find_face_from_img(img):
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray = cv2.equalizeHist(gray)
    rects = detect(gray, cascade)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    args, video_src = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ['cascade=', 'nested-cascade='])
    try: video_src = video_src[0]
    except: video_src = 0
    args = dict(args)

    cascade_fn = args.get('--cascade', "cascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml")
    cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascade_fn)

        ret, frame =
        rects = find_face_from_img(frame)
        if 0xFF & cv2.waitKey(5) == 27:


scale: 1.2, neighbors: 2, len rects: 1
scale: 1.2, neighbors: 3, len rects: 1
scale: 1.2, neighbors: 4, len rects: 1
scale: 1.3, neighbors: 2, len rects: 1
scale: 1.3, neighbors: 3, len rects: 1
scale: 1.3, neighbors: 4, len rects: 0
scale: 1.4, neighbors: 2, len rects: 1
scale: 1.4, neighbors: 3, len rects: 0
scale: 1.4, neighbors: 4, len rects: 0
scale: 1.1, neighbors: 2, len rects: 1
scale: 1.1, neighbors: 3, len rects: 1
scale: 1.1, neighbors: 4, len rects: 1
scale: 1.2, neighbors: 2, len rects: 1
scale: 1.2, neighbors: 3, len rects: 1
scale: 1.2, neighbors: 4, len rects: 1
scale: 1.3, neighbors: 2, len rects: 1

Some advice: Don't pick your minSize too low ... else every small item which resembles a face will be detected.

I assume you are running through all these parameters to find the ones that are the best. I found out the minNeighors shouldn't be too high, else it won't find any.

Make sure your cascade xml file is linked to correctly. If it doesn't find it, it won't give an error, it will just find no faces.

Author by


Updated on June 28, 2022


  • user592419
    user592419 almost 2 years

    I'm pretty sure I have the general theme correct, but I'm not finding any faces. My code reads from c=cv2.VideoCapture(0), i.e. the computer's videocamera. I then have the following set up to yield where the faces are. As you can see, I'm looping through different scaleFactors and minNeighbors but rects always comes back empty. I've also tried each of the four different haarcascade xml files included in the opencv/data/haarcascades package.

    Any tips?

        ret, frame =
        rects = find_face_from_img(frame)
    def detect(img, cascade):
        for scale in [float(i)/10 for i in range(11, 15)]:
            for neighbors in range(2,5):
                rects = cascade.detectMultiScale(img, scaleFactor=scale, minNeighbors=neighbors,
                                                 minSize=(20, 20),
                print 'scale: %s, neighbors: %s, len rects: %d' % (scale, neighbors, len(rects))
    def find_face_from_img(img):
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        gray = cv2.equalizeHist(gray)
        rects = detect(gray, cascade)
  • user592419
    user592419 almost 11 years
    Thanks for trying this, although I don't see where your posted code is different from mine aside from a little bit of refactoring. The file location is correct - I can copy it out, cat it, and the full xml file is printed.
  • Olivier_s_j
    Olivier_s_j almost 11 years
    I didn't change anything about your 2 functions. I just changed the main. You're not getting any rects ?
  • user592419
    user592419 almost 11 years
    Surprisingly not. I have a beard, but it's not catching my friend either.
  • Olivier_s_j
    Olivier_s_j almost 11 years
    Have you displayed the rawstream of your camera ? Maybe you're using the wrong channel ?
  • user592419
    user592419 almost 11 years
    Yes, I'm using imshow to open the stream so that I can see what it's viewing. I'm also opening the gray in the same way to see what that's seeing. Ultimately, my problem is that I'm not sure how to debug this.
  • Olivier_s_j
    Olivier_s_j almost 11 years
    depends on your IDE. If you have no rects, you haven't found a face (or anything resembling a face). Does the in the opencv sample folder work ? (It's a standard example for face detection)
  • user592419
    user592419 almost 11 years
    Woah, it did work. Looking into the difference now. Thanks for pointing me that way