Using @Spy and @Autowired together


Solution 1

I know about these two options:

  1. Use @SpyBean annotation from spring-boot-test as the only annotation
private ProductController productController;

private ProductService productServiceSpy;
  1. Use Java reflection to "autowire" the spy object, e.g. ReflectionTestUtils
private ProductController productController;

private ProductService productService;

public void setUp() {
    ProductService productServiceSpy = Mockito.spy(productService);
    ReflectionTestUtils.setField(productController, "productService", productServiceSpy);

Solution 2

I was surprised myself but it does work for us. We have plenty places like:

private FeatureService featureService;

I think I know why you are facing this problem. It's not about injection, it's about when(bloMock.doSomeStuff()).thenReturn(1) vs doReturn(1).when(bloMock).doSomeStuff(). See:

The very important difference is that the first option will actually call the doSomeStuff()- method while the second will not. Both will cause doSomeStuff() to return the desired 1.

Solution 3

Using @Spy together with @Autowired works until you want to verify interaction between that spy and a different component that spy is injected into. What I found to work for me was the following approach found at

public class AddressServiceTestConfiguration {
    public AddressService addressServiceSpy(AddressService addressService) {
        return Mockito.spy(addressService);

This turns your autowired component into a spy object, which will be used by your service and can be verified in your tests.

Shashi K Kalia
Author by

Shashi K Kalia

Updated on March 14, 2020


  • Shashi K Kalia
    Shashi K Kalia over 4 years

    I have a Service Class with 3 methods, Service class is also using some @Autowired annotations. Out of 3 methods, I want to mock two methods but use real method for 3rd one.

    Problem is:

    1. If I am using @Autowired with @Spy, all three real method implementation is being called.
    2. If I am using @Spy only, call to real method is return with Null pointer as there is no initialisation of Autowired objects.