Using wildcards in commands with zsh


Solution 1

This is related with how ZSH manage globbing characters to generate filenames. By default, ZSH will generate the filenames and throw an error before executing the command if it founds no matches.

There are many ways to bypass this behavior, here are some of them:

  • The quickest is to enclose the globbing characters with quotes.
$ rsync -azP "user@server:~/*" ~/
  • For a permanent change, you'll have to add the following in your .zshrc file:
unsetopt nomatch

This will prevent ZSH to print an error when no match can be found.

  • Another possibility is to disable globbing for a particular command by using the noglob command modifier. By setting an alias in .zshrc for example:
alias scp='noglob scp'

Solution 2

I have been using zpretzo for quite a few months and also experienced this issue. I came across a neat and useful solution if you don't want to make any changes: simply prepend backslash to the command.

~/p/b/a/files ❯❯❯ scp *.* myserver@host:~/
*.*: No such file or directory

~/p/b/a/files ❯❯❯ \scp *.* myserver@host:~/
jquery.min.js                              100%   93KB  92.6KB/s   00:00
json2.min.js                               100%   3377   3.3KB/s   00:00

I hope this helps!

Solution 3

This solves your problem without having to manually quote the URLs

autoload -U url-quote-magic  
zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic

# sort it out for SCP
some_remote_commands=(scp rsync)
zstyle -e :urlglobber url-other-schema \
  '[[ $some_remote_commands[(i)$words[1]] -le ${#some_remote_commands} ]] && reply=("*") || reply=(http https ftp)'

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Tirth Shah
Author by

Tirth Shah

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Tirth Shah
    Tirth Shah over 1 year

    I know I can download opencv-python using pip on my computer but I'm running an Anaconda server using Anaconda Navigator to run a python script. Do I need to install opencv-python via the Navigator or is it enough to download it on your machine via pip?

    If not, how can I download opencv-python via the Anaconda navigator?

  • Morgan
    Morgan about 11 years
    Thanks! Never had to do that with bash.
  • slhck
    slhck about 11 years
    @Morgan That's weird, actually. Without the quotes, Bash should expand the tilde before rsync ever sees it. Could it be that you were just using the same path for the home directory on both servers?
  • Spack
    Spack about 11 years
    @slhck No, he's right. zsh has some more options to configure wildcards so this behavior can be changed in the zshrc.
  • sa125
    sa125 about 11 years
    @Spack - you say it could be changes in .zshrc: can you elaborate a bit on how to configure this (perhaps edit your answer)? I'm looking for a way to do this without quoting the wildcard path.
  • Morgan
    Morgan about 11 years
    And this goes in .zshrc?
  • Spack
    Spack about 11 years
    @sa125 I've edited my answer.
  • Francisco
    Francisco about 11 years
    yes, this goes into your zsh configuration. FWIW, just start a new shell (zsh -f for a canonical shell conf), copy&paste the commands in your shell, and type (or paste) your rsync command. You'll see the magic at work ;-) (special chars at the URL will get automatically quoted)
  • chepner
    chepner about 11 years
    @slhck: bash only expands a tilde when it begins a word, or is the first character following a : or the first = in a variable assignment. Otherwise, it is treated literally.
  • yorch
    yorch about 7 years
    Great solution!!
  • sMyles
    sMyles over 6 years
    Perfect, this worked great for me on OSX!
  • Kannan Ramamoorthy
    Kannan Ramamoorthy about 5 years
    Awesome!! But any reason why/how this works?