viewWillAppear not invoked for subview controller


Solution 1

The application isn't aware of the subview's view controller if you do this, you need to introduce view controller containment to make the root view controller aware. Doing so will handle any events like this.

Because loadView could be called more than once pre iOS 6, I'd advise creating the view controller within init, and then add the subview within loadView. It should be like this:

- (id)init {
    self.doneButtonViewController = [[DoneButtonViewController alloc] init];
    [self addChildViewController:self.doneButtonViewController];
    [self.doneButtonViewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];

- (void)loadView {
    [self.view addSubview:self.doneButtonViewController.view];

See "Implementing a Container View Controller" at

Solution 2

As for me, adding child view controller in parent view controller can solve the problem that "viewWillAppear" of the child view controller not get called.

Hot Licks
Author by

Hot Licks

Older than dirt. I got t-shirts older than you, kiddo.

Updated on June 08, 2022


  • Hot Licks
    Hot Licks almost 2 years

    I have an odd case -- a view controller that creates its own view in loadView and which is then added to an existing view.

    Here is the code that creates and adds the VC:

    self.doneButtonViewController = [[DoneButtonViewController alloc] init];
    [self.view addSubview:self.doneButtonViewController.view];

    This code is executed in viewDidLoad of the "parent" VC.

    The odd thing is that the viewWillAppear method of the added VC is never invoked (nor is viewDidAppear), but the viewWillDisappear method of the added VC is invoked (at the appropriate time), just as one would expect.

    Any clue as to why viewWillAppear is not getting invoked?

  • jrturton
    jrturton over 11 years
    Obviously the loadView implementation would need to construct the rest of the parent view controller's view as well, but this is the right answer. The code can be in viewDidLoad if you are using storyboards or xibs to make the parent VC.
  • Hot Licks
    Hot Licks over 11 years
    Problem is, I'm trying to come up with a minimal scheme for adding this -- basically invoke one factory method that creates the VC and adds the view.
  • WDUK
    WDUK over 11 years
    You'd have to pass in a reference to the view controller it's being added to, and use the same process. If you worry this may happen more than once, then either have checking code inside the factory to not add duplicates, or have removeFromParentViewController: at the ready if you need to remove it.
  • Hot Licks
    Hot Licks over 11 years
    I'd tried addChildViewController, but I didn't realize I needed addSubview as well. With the pair it works more or less as expected.
  • WDUK
    WDUK over 11 years
    All addChildViewController does is create a link between the two view controllers, it does nothing regarding the views themselves. This link allows events, such as viewWillAppear: to be propagated down to the child view controllers, so they in turn can manage their own view. The actual adding of the views themselves need to be added the traditional way as well.