Visual Studio : Automatically insert a space after typing if(


Solution 1

Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Formatting > Spacing

Then check/tick Insert space after keywords in control flow statements, which is listed under the Set other spacing options sub group.


Solution 2

Resharper will do this with its default formatting settings. Ctrl+K+D will format the entire document. Thats how I do it. It seems like VS's formatting options may be able to help you, but I have never played with them enough.

Resharper is totally worth it for this and so many other reasons.

Solution 3

My VS2010 does it by default after the closing bracket. Here's the option:

Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Formatting > General > Automatically format completed block on }

and also:

Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Formatting > Spacing > Set other spacing options > Insert space after keywords in control flow statements

Solution 4

Yeah, I think you are looking for Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> Formatting -> Spacing -> Set other spacing options -> Insert space after keywords in control flow statements

Solution 5

I have Visual C#, but as I recall it is the same in Studio.

  1. Click Tools
  2. Click Options
  3. Click 'Text Editor' on left menu
  4. Click 'C#' on left menu
  5. Click 'Formatting' on left menu
  6. Make sure all 3 options are checked in right area.
  7. Click 'Spacing' on left menu
  8. Click 'Insert space after keywords in control flow statements' in right area under the heading of 'Set other spacing options'.
  9. Click OK.
Robert Fraser
Author by

Robert Fraser

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Robert Fraser
    Robert Fraser almost 2 years

    We have a code style checker that's run before every check-in that requires that C# if statements be formatted like:

    if (condition)

    However, my muscle memory has already developed for typing:


    Is there any way to get Visual Studio 2010 to automatically insert that space if I type the if without it? I know you can set it that when you paste code, it will automatically do this, but not while typing. Thanks!

  • Rahul
    Rahul about 13 years
    Which spacing option controls this?
  • dotalchemy
    dotalchemy about 13 years
    "Insert space after keywords in control flow statements" - it's like, a third of the way down maybe?
  • Rahul
    Rahul about 13 years
    Its annoying that it only applies after you type the closing bracket. I believe Resharper is automatically adding the closing bracket, and so the vs formatting is not running. Kinda lame.
  • dotalchemy
    dotalchemy about 13 years
    Agreed, only downside is unless you're only working on open source, it's not free (although not overly expensive)
  • Robert Fraser
    Robert Fraser about 13 years
    @CMP -- Yes, this appears to be what's happening in my case.
  • Robert Fraser
    Robert Fraser about 13 years
    Yes, I have ReSharper, but I think in this case it's causing the problem... it's automatically inserting the closing brace, thus preventing VS's space fix.... ah well, I can disable that part easily enough.
  • Town
    Town about 13 years
    That is quite lame, although it also seems like the sort of thing that should be configurable in Resharper... in fact, this question appears to have the setting:… (I don't have Resharper so I can't confirm!)
  • Mauro Sampietro
    Mauro Sampietro almost 8 years
    In VS 2015 check "other spacing options -> insert spaces inside parentheses of control flow statements"
  • T.S
    T.S over 4 years
    Excellent. I can't stand when editors decide to do things like this on their own. Always gives issues with git commits.