VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER error with Vulkan on ATI Sapphire 7870 running (X)Ubuntu 18.04


This solution may be outdated. It seems that only mesa-vulkan-driver and sudo apt dist-upgrade is needed to make vulkan API work. - Updated 10/07/2018

I found the solution before i posted this answer this is repost recommended by @ElderGeek on forum. (•̀ᴗ•́)و

Vulkan installation on AMD Radeon 7870 running Ubuntu 18.04 (possible other debian-based distros)

NOTE: I wasn't able to reproduce it on Debian 9.4.

WARNING: Grab a backup since systemd (or its alternatives) won't be able to boot with error something like: ERR: Install firmware-amd-graphics package.

WARNING_EDIT: It seems that package firmware-amd-graphics is now installd by default on Ubuntu 18.04. I noticed the change at 10/07/2018.

  1. Run this command to update your system

    sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  2. Install Mesa Vulkan Drivers:

    sudo apt-get install mesa-vulkan-drivers vulkan-utils
  3. Modify kernel parameters in /etc/default/grub as:

    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1 modprobe.blacklist=radeon"


  4. To switch on amdgpu driver. (radeon's not working with this GPU.)

  5. Run these commands:

    • sudo update-grub To update grub based on info in /etc/default/grub .
    • sudo shutdown -r now To restart your device.
    • lspci -k | grep "Kernel driver in use:" To verify that it's loaded correctly, output should be: "Kernel driver in use: amdgpu".
  6. Should show up in vulkaninfo without problems.

In case it doesn't work

  1. Add nor modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf AND /etc/X11/20-amdgpu.conf with the following content (reboot after this modifications):

    Section "Device"
        Identifier "AMD"
        Driver "amdgpu"
        Option "TearFree" "true"
    • Option "TearFree" "true" should fix problem with screen thearing.
  2. Verify that amdgpu is loaded by loading GRUB and pressing E.

  3. sudo usermod -a -G video $LOGNAME

  4. sudo apt-get install hexchat > join #radeon and ask for help.

Feel free to share your experience I'm willing to update this post. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


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David Košecký
Author by

David Košecký

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • David Košecký
    David Košecký almost 2 years

    I spent +- 22 hours trying to make it work, but I find more problems than solutions.


    Steps to reproduce #1



    • GPU: ATI Sapphire 7870 AND AMD Radeon 7870AMD/ATI

    • OS: Tested on Debian 9, Xubuntu and Ubuntu.

      • Right now I have fresh installation of Ubuntu with backup using Clonezilla and basic setup.

      • apt list --installed > /home/kreyren/Desktop/Installed_packages.txt https://pastebin.com/WrKWWbhg

      • Installed updates using sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y

      • Distro has 20GB of root + 2GB swap on SSD and 100GB of /home on HDD

      • Verify that it's supported by AMD:


    • add NAND modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf with

      Section "Device"
          Identifier "AMD"
          Driver "amdgpu"
          Option "TearFree" "true"



    Original is available on personal Google docs.

    I made Facebook document where I tried to fix this issue with the help of other Linux users. Facebook document was removed after solution and the issue was posted on askubuntu! Hoping to reach more people with same issue.

    Not enough reputation to post rest of the original and it seems pointless to spam with irelevant info, its here for those who are interested in this issue like Developers who could possibly fix this issue by default.

    • Elder Geek
      Elder Geek about 6 years
      Self answering is encouraged here and I applaud your effort in solving your problem. Be that as it may, I encourage you to split this post into the Question (the problem that you had) in this box and the Answer (the solution you found) in the box below. AskUbuntu is a Q & A site and not a typical forum. You might find the tour informative.
  • Elder Geek
    Elder Geek about 6 years
    I see step one in your question, so I'm not sure you need it in your answer. Did this problem begin when you upgraded your system from a previous version to 18.04? If so your question and this answer would be more useful if you would make that clear and which version you were upgrading from. I would assume 16.04 but I hate to assume anything. Cheers!
  • David Košecký
    David Košecký about 6 years
    Actually i was upgrading from Windows 10 and this was first issue i had to deal with on Linux for this device. It seems to be problem on other versions too namely it seems that this GPU needs "amdgpu" drivers and fixes for VK_ERRORS to work as it should with vulkan possibly modifications to Xorg.conf. (o・_・) + to fix thearing
  • Elder Geek
    Elder Geek about 6 years
    Editing details into your question would make it more valuable to the community by providing further clarity. It's confusing (at least to me why you would run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y on a fresh installation of 18.04 as there's currently no distribution upgrade path from 18.04 to anything else. The more valuable your posts are to the community the more upvotes you'll get leading to an increase in priveleges
  • David Košecký
    David Košecký about 6 years
    @ElderGeek You're right about that, sorry i've included it thinking to make sure that end-user has updated repositories and packages. Updating distro doen't make sence in this scenario. #Fixed Aldo i woudn't post more info from document, most of it are irelevant to fix the issue i believe. ( •_•)