WEVTUtil export certain event


I want to export only Event ID 4624 from Security

WEVTUtil query-events Security /rd:true /format:text > "%~dp0Logins.txt"<EventID>4624</EventID>"

You are using the wrong format for the /q option.

Use the following command line:

wevtutil qe Security "/q:*[System [(EventID=4648)]]" /rd:true /f:text > "%~dp0Logins.txt"

How do I restrict the filter to Event ID 4624 containing User32?

When all 4624 events exported I want filter only events with:

<Data Name='LogonProcessName'>User32 </Data>

Use the following command line:

wevtutil qe Security "/q:*[System [(EventID=4648)]]" /rd:true | findstr User32 >nul && wevtutil qe Security "/q:*[System [(EventID=4648)]]" /f:text /rd:true > "%~dp0Logins.txt"

Code based on the following source link.

Source How to use wevtutil command to get event details if it only comply with specific text or word

Further Reading

acid magic
Author by

acid magic

Updated on June 07, 2022


  • acid magic
    acid magic about 2 years

    I want to export only event id 4624 from Security

    Code below exports all event from security (i want only 4624);

    WEVTUtil query-events Security /rd:true /format:text > %~dp0Logins.txt /q:"<EventID>4624</EventID>"

    When all 4624 events exported i want filter only events with:

    <Data Name='LogonProcessName'>User32 </Data>

    This will be RDP logs with IP, because logs in "Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager/Operational" dont have IP (only username) :( I heard this is because RDP connection is TLS secured...