What are the current payUMoney test credentials


Solution 1

Use below credentials for test server: Mine is working fine-

Card Type: Visa
Card: 4012 0010 3714 1112
CVV: 123
Name: Test
Expiry: 05/20

Card Type: Master    
Card: 5123 4567 8901 2346
CVV: 123
Name: Test
Expiry: 05/20

enter image description here

Solution 2

From their documentation:

For any of the cards below you can use:
01/2020 as expiry date
123 as CVV


Solution 3

This works for me

Card Type: Visa

Card Name: Test

Card Number: 4012001037141112

Expiry Date : 05/20

CVV : 123

Card Type: Master

Card Name: Test

Card Number: 5123456789012346

Expiry Date : 05/20

CVV : 123
K Arun Singh
Author by

K Arun Singh

Analyst Programmer - Laravel, YII2, Wordpress, Joomla3.0, PHP, MySql, JQuery, Javascript, SVN

Updated on December 29, 2021


  • K Arun Singh
    K Arun Singh over 2 years

    I'm working with PayUMoney Payment integration PHP APIs, I want the current test credentials I have the old test environment credentials as fallows:

    Test Card Name: any name
    Test Card Number: 5123456789012346
    Test CVV: 123
    Test Expiry: May 2017

    But this is not working out to test the success case (as the card expiry date is already expired)

    I want the current Test credentials

    Thank you for your help.

    • John Conde
      John Conde over 6 years
      Did my answer help you at all?
    • K Arun Singh
      K Arun Singh over 6 years
      Actually I have change the payment gateway upon my client's request, so I didn't get a change to verify your answer. I appreciate your help :).. hope next time when I use PayUmoney it will surely help me :)
  • K Arun Singh
    K Arun Singh over 6 years
    Thumbs up for your kind help :)
  • John Conde
    John Conde over 5 years
    You should provide the test credentials here so others can easily find it
  • Kamlesh
    Kamlesh about 5 years
    You can also use this Credit Card #: 5123456789012346
  • Abhinay
    Abhinay over 4 years
    People who land on this page looking for Simulator OTP, it is 123456