What is success url & failure url while integrating payU Money in android?


Solution 1

The following diagram explains how the customer makes the payment and how the process flows:

enter image description here

Step 1: The consumer selects the product on your website and clicks on “Pay Now” button.

Step 2: The consumer is then taken from your website to the transaction page of www.payumoney.com where in all the payment related details are entered by the consumer.

Step 3: Payumoney.com.com redirects the consumer to Visa, MasterCard or the relevant bank for the next level of authorization.

Step 4: The Bank/Visa/MasterCard authorizes and confirms the transaction.

Step 5: The consumer is sent back to PayUMoney.

Step 6: PayUMoney sends the consumer back to your website along with the transaction status.

The surl and furl comes into picture in the last step of the above flow. It is just the Success and Failure page URL, where you wish to take your user on success and failure cases.

For example if you have a Thank You page where you want the user to go after successful transaction then you pass the URL of that page as surl.

Similarly, if you have any error page where you want to take user on failure then pass that URL as furl.

Source: PayUMoney Integration in android.

Solution 2

payumoney post user and transaction data to these urls. all success transaction goes to surl and all failed transaction data go to furl as a post request.

you can save these information for your application logic.

here is the link which shows POST request.

Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • pb123
    pb123 about 2 years

    Here is my some activity code, what will be the surl & furl? could anyone please help me?

    Thanks in advance :)

     Map<String, String> mapParams = new HashMap<>();
                mapParams.put("key", mMerchantKey);
                mapParams.put("txnid", mTXNId);
                mapParams.put("amount", String.valueOf(mAmount));
                mapParams.put("productinfo", mProductInfo);
                mapParams.put("firstname", mFirstName);
                mapParams.put("email", mEmailId);
                mapParams.put("phone", mPhone);
                mapParams.put("surl", mSuccessUrl);
                mapParams.put("furl", mFailedUrl);
                mapParams.put("hash", mHash);
                mapParams.put("service_provider", mServiceProvider);
                webViewClientPost(webView, mAction, mapParams.entrySet());