What characters have to be escaped to prevent (My)SQL injections?


Solution 1

The MySQL manual page for strings says:

  • \0   An ASCII NUL (0x00) character.
  • \'   A single quote (“'”) character.
  • \"   A double quote (“"”) character.
  • \b   A backspace character.
  • \n   A newline (linefeed) character.
  • \r   A carriage return character.
  • \t   A tab character.
  • \Z   ASCII 26 (Control-Z). See note following the table.
  • \\   A backslash (“\”) character.
  • \%   A “%” character. See note following the table.
  • \_   A “_” character. See note following the table.

Solution 2

A guess concerning the backspace character: Imagine I send you an email "Hi, here's the query to update your DB as you wanted" and an attached textfile with

INSERT INTO students VALUES ("Bobby Tables",12,"abc",3.6);

You cat the file, see it's okay, and just pipe the file to MySQL. What you didn't know, however, was that I put

DROP TABLE students;\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b

before the INSERT STATEMENT which you didn't see because on console output the backspaces overwrote it. Bamm!

Just a guess, though.

Edit (couldn't resist):

alt text

Solution 3

Blacklisting (identifying bad characters) is never the way to go, if you have any other options.

You need to use a conbination of whitelisting, and more importantly, bound-parameter approaches.

Whilst this particular answer has a PHP focus, it still helps plenty and will help explain that just running a string through a char filter doesn't work in many cases. Please, please see Do htmlspecialchars and mysql_real_escape_string keep my PHP code safe from injection?

Author by


Updated on September 09, 2020


  • Tower
    Tower almost 4 years

    I'm using MySQL API's function


    Based on the documentation, it escapes the following characters:


    Now, I looked into OWASP.org's ESAPI security library and in the Python port it had the following code (http://code.google.com/p/owasp-esapi-python/source/browse/esapi/codecs/mysql.py):

            Encodes a character for MySQL.
            lookup = {
            0x00 : "\\0",
            0x08 : "\\b",
            0x09 : "\\t",
            0x0a : "\\n",
            0x0d : "\\r",
            0x1a : "\\Z",
            0x22 : '\\"',
            0x25 : "\\%",
            0x27 : "\\'",
            0x5c : "\\\\",
            0x5f : "\\_",

    Now, I'm wondering whether all those characters are really needed to be escaped. I understand why % and _ are there, they are meta characters in LIKE operator, but I can't simply understand why did they add backspace and tabulator characters (\b \t)? Is there a security issue if you do a query:

    SELECT a FROM b WHERE c = '...user input ...';

    Where user input contains tabulators or backspace characters?

    My question is here: Why did they include \b \t in the ESAPI security library? Are there any situations where you might need to escape those characters?

  • balpha
    balpha almost 15 years
    Thanks Stefano, that fulfills the attribution clause of the CC license.
  • mR_fr0g
    mR_fr0g about 10 years
    Link it dead. Consider updating.
  • Bing
    Bing over 6 years
    If you're trying to store a name, like O'Leary, you would mess up the person's name. If you're storing a sentence like "Help!", David yelled. you'd want to keep the double-quotes. So yeah, in some cases dumping special characters might be fine, but not in all.
  • The Godfather
    The Godfather almost 5 years
    This doesn't answer the part of the question where it asks "why?"
  • Brian Leishman
    Brian Leishman almost 5 years
    Keep in mind you probably don't want to always escape % and _ since the back slash will get passed literally unless used in a filter/search context, e.g. \% will look like the string \% when using = and % when using like