What customizations have you done on your shell profile to increase productivity?


Solution 1


save file with root permissions by typing w!!:

cmap w!! w !sudo tee % > /dev/null


Don't bother with devices or binary files when greping:
alias grep='grep --color=auto --binary-files=without-match --devices=skip'

Share code on the web (like pastebin, but simpler) by cat 1337.sh | webshare
alias webshare='curl -F "sprunge=<-" http://sprunge.us | xclip'

It gives back a short url in your clipboard; you can append ?whatever-lang to the returned URL to have it syntax highlighted and lines numbered.


Use vi mode in everything that uses the readline library (many programs):

set editing-mode vi
set keymap vi

Solution 2

make a directory and cd in one command

Most of the time I do mkdir, my next command is cd <that dir>.

This saves some typing:

# make a directory and cd to it
    test -d "$1" || mkdir "$1" && cd "$1"

for example:

/home/mikel$ mcd somedir

Another thing I find useful is an easy way to make a throwaway directory. e.g. if I'm compiling a program or even if I'm trying to reproduce a problem on this site. Sometimes I might forget to clean up the directory.

# make a temporary directory and cd to it
    local dir
    dir=$(mktemp -d)
    if test -n "$dir"
        if test -d "$dir"
            echo "$dir"
            cd "$dir"
            echo "mktemp directory $dir does not exist"
        echo "mktemp didn't work"

showing it working:

/home/mikel$ mtd

I am relying on the system cleaning up /tmp after a reboot, but it would be possible to enhance this, e.g. make it delete the temp dir after exiting the shell.

Solution 3

I like to have my bash prompt show the exit code of the previous command if it was non-zero. I also like my shell to cheer me up when I use it, so I added a bit of silliness:

smiley() {
    [[ ${RC} == 0 ]] && echo ':)' || echo ":( ${RC}"

export PS1="\$(smiley) \h [\A] [\W] \$ "

so when I run commands, I get some nice visual feedback:

:) mycomputer [23:03] [~] $ sh -c 'exit 0'
:) mycomputer [23:03] [~] $ sh -c 'exit 11'
:( 11 mycomputer [23:03] [~] $ 

edit: this is something I put in my ~/.bashrc

Solution 4

up N

jump N directories up in the directory tree

Instead of typing

cd ../../../..

you just type

up 4

and a

cd -     

will bring you back

Put the function into your .bashrc to use it.

# (c) 2007 stefan w. GPLv3            
function up {
for i in $(seq 1 $1)
cd $ups

Solution 5


alias l='ls -CF'
alias ll='ls -ClhF'
alias la='ls -CaF'
alias lla='ls -CalhF'
alias l.='ls -CAF --ignore=\*'
alias ll.='ls -CAlhF --ignore=\*'
alias t='tree -C'

PS1=$'%{\e[0;33m%}%m %{\e[32;1m%}%~ %{\e[0;31m%}%#%{\e[m%} '

bindkey '^[[3~' delete-char

export GREP_OPTIONS="--color"


clear lock
keycode 9 = Caps_Lock ISO_Next_Group Caps_Lock ISO_Next_Group
keycode 66 = Escape NoSymbol Escape
add lock = Caps_Lock

(Swaps Escape and Caps Lock keys).


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Author by


Updated on September 17, 2022


  • San
    San almost 2 years

    I know some people have some startup scripts and some people personalise the prompt. One developer uses short aliases for the long path he often visits and the frequent commands he runs.

    What are all the effective customization you have done on your UNIX profile to increase productivity and ease of use?

    • Adam Mills
      Adam Mills over 13 years
      should be CW, cant be answered objectively.
    • San
      San over 13 years
      I agree. However, there was no option for CW. :-(
    • San
      San over 13 years
      @akira @Michael I face this situation often. It would be great if moderators could edit/cross-post/redirect the question. Because the comment you leave doesn't help the user much in order to achieve what he really want. No offence, just a suggestion. Hope you understand.
  • wag
    wag over 13 years
    +1 for remapping of keys, my Caps Lock is mapped to Return, WHO NEEDS CAPS LOCK ANYWAY?
  • polemon
    polemon over 13 years
    I'm a Vim user. It's typical for Vim users, to map Escape to Caps Lock. Emacs user tend to map Control to Caps Lock.
  • VxJasonxV
    VxJasonxV over 13 years
    Your answer should probably be a comment... Like this!
  • Mikel
    Mikel over 13 years
    FWIW, the filename completion is Esc``Esc or Esc``= in ksh, and Tab works in ksh93. Just in case anyone is stuck with it or prefers it.
  • San
    San over 13 years
    Great tips which I never knew.
  • San
    San over 13 years
    Quite interesting. But, I have a doubt. Where should the code reside?
  • San
    San over 13 years
    I loved the mcd option. Nice one, Thanks.
  • Mikel
    Mikel over 13 years
    In .bashrc presumably.
  • jsbillings
    jsbillings over 13 years
    yes, that's in my ~/.bashrc
  • San
    San over 13 years
    Will try that..
  • maaartinus
    maaartinus over 13 years
    My calculator is alias py='PYTHONSTARTUP=~/.pythonstartup python' with from math import *; in that file. The integer-division problem remains unsolved, but it's way more usable for more complex operations.
  • maaartinus
    maaartinus over 13 years
    +1 I've been using my version of mcd for many years and am going to add something like mtd soon.
  • maaartinus
    maaartinus over 13 years
    I defined my mtd() { mcd $TMP/`date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S-%N`; }. It probably lacks a portability, but it's good enough for me.
  • San
    San about 13 years
    Wow.. that's a nice idea..