What is the best IDE today for HTML5 for a programmer who's working with .net on the Server sider?


Solution 1

Visual Studio 2010 SP1 added additional support for HTML 5.

Solution 2

PHPStorm/WebStorm: http://www.jetbrains.com/index.html

HTML5 Support: http://blogs.jetbrains.com/webide/tag/html5/

Much faster and more fluid than anything else I have used. The only hangup is that the shortcuts are not consistent with Windows defaults (they are consistent with Mac's defaults).

The autocompletetion is fantastic and incredibly quick even for large JS/PHP projects.

Solution 3

I'm a fan of Aptana -- It now supports html5. It's an extension of the eclipse framework and it's a nice IDE for most things web related.


Elad Katz
Author by

Elad Katz

entrepreneur, public speaker and a proud geek

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Elad Katz
    Elad Katz about 2 years

    Is VS2010 support for Javascript & jQuery make it a good IDE for JS/HTML5? or are there better options?

    I'm writing the server side in .Net, and that's why this is my default choice usually. if VS is not the best IDE for that - using two different IDEs won't be irritating ?