What is the best practice of docker + ufw under Ubuntu


Solution 1

I've had such problem like months ago and lately decided to describe the issue along with the solution on my blog. Here's the shortcut.

Using --iptables=false won't help you much with the case you described. It's simply not enough here. By default, none of your containers can do any outgoing connection.

There's a small step you're omitting on your way to have containers behind UFW here. You can use --iptables=false or create /etc/docker/daemon.json file with content as follows

  "iptables": false

the result will be the same, but the latter option requires you to restart whole docker service with service docker restart or even do a reboot if docker had a chance to add iptables rules before you disabled this function.

When it's done, just do two more things:

$ ufw reload

so you set up default forward policy in UFW for accept, and use:

$ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING ! -o docker0 -s -j MASQUERADE

That way what you're achieving is disabling docker messy behavior in your iptables rules and at the same time docker is provided with necessary routing so containers will do outgoing connections just fine. UFW rules will be still restricted from this point on, though.

Hope this resolves the issue for you and any that gets here in search of an answer.

I described the problem and solution more comprehensively at https://www.mkubaczyk.com/2017/09/05/force-docker-not-bypass-ufw-rules-ubuntu-16-04/

Solution 2


This problem has been around for a long time.

Disable iptables in Docker will take other problems.

Rollback changes first

If you have modified your server according to the current solution that we find on the internet, please rollback these changes first, including:

  • Enable Docker's iptables feature. Remove all changes like --iptables=false , including configuration file /etc/docker/daemon.json.
  • UFW's default FORWARD rule changes back to the default DROP instead of ACCEPT.
  • Remove the rules related to the Docker network in the UFW configuration file /etc/ufw/after.rules.
  • If you have modified Docker configuration files, restart Docker first. We will modify the UFW configuration later, and we can restart it then.

Solving UFW and Docker issues

This solution needs to modify only one UFW configuration file, all Docker configurations and options remain the default. Doesn't need to disable the docker iptables function.

Modify the UFW configuration file /etc/ufw/after.rules and add the following rules at the end of the file:

:ufw-user-forward - [0:0]
:DOCKER-USER - [0:0]

-A DOCKER-USER -j ufw-user-forward

-A DOCKER-USER -j DROP -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -d
-A DOCKER-USER -j DROP -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -d
-A DOCKER-USER -j DROP -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -d
-A DOCKER-USER -j DROP -p udp -m udp --dport 0:32767 -d
-A DOCKER-USER -j DROP -p udp -m udp --dport 0:32767 -d
-A DOCKER-USER -j DROP -p udp -m udp --dport 0:32767 -d


Using the command sudo systemctl restart ufw to restart UFW after changing the file. Now the public network can't access any published docker ports, the container and the private network can visit each other regularly, and the containers can also access the external network from inside.

If you want to allow public networks to access the services provided by the Docker container, for example, the service port of a container is 80. Run the following command to allow the public networks to access this service:

ufw route allow proto tcp from any to any port 80

This command allows the public network to access all published ports whose container port is 80.

Note: If we publish a port by using option -p 8080:80, we should use the container port 80, not the host port 8080.

If there are multiple containers with a service port of 80, but we only want the external network to access a particular container. For example, if the private address of the container is, use the following command:

ufw route allow proto tcp from any to port 80

If the network protocol of service is UDP, for example, a DNS service, you can use the following command to allow the external network to access all published DNS services:

ufw route allow proto udp from any to any port 53

Similarly, if only for a specific container, such as IP address

ufw route allow proto udp from any to port 53

How it works?

The following rules allow the private networks to be able to visit each other. Typically, private networks are more trusted than public networks.


The following rules allow UFW to manage whether the public networks are allowed to visit the services provided by the Docker container. So that we can manage all firewall rules in one place.

-A DOCKER-USER -j ufw-user-forward

The following rules block connection requests initiated by all public networks, but allow internal networks to access external networks. For TCP protocol, it prevents from actively establishing a TCP connection from public networks. For UDP protocol, all accesses to ports which is less then 32767 are blocked. Why is this port? Since the UDP protocol is stateless, it is not possible to block the handshake signal that initiates the connection request as TCP does. For GNU/Linux we can find the local port range in the file /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range. The default range is 32768 60999. When accessing a UDP protocol service from a running container, the local port will be randomly selected one from the port range, and the server will return the data to this random port. Therefore, we can assume that the listening port of the UDP protocol inside all containers are less then 32768. This is the reason that we don't want public networks to access the UDP ports that less then 32768.

-A DOCKER-USER -j DROP -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -d
-A DOCKER-USER -j DROP -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -d
-A DOCKER-USER -j DROP -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -d
-A DOCKER-USER -j DROP -p udp -m udp --dport 0:32767 -d
-A DOCKER-USER -j DROP -p udp -m udp --dport 0:32767 -d
-A DOCKER-USER -j DROP -p udp -m udp --dport 0:32767 -d




sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/ufw-docker https://github.com/chaifeng/ufw-docker/raw/master/ufw-docker
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ufw-docker


ufw-docker help
ufw-docker install
ufw-docker status
ufw-docker allow webapp
ufw-docker allow webapp 80
ufw-docker allow webapp 53/udp
ufw-docker list webapp
ufw-docker delete allow webapp 80/tcp
ufw-docker delete allow webapp

Update: 2018-09-10

The reason for choosing ufw-user-forward, not ufw-user-input

using ufw-user-input


Easy to use and understand, supports older versions of Ubuntu.

For example, to allow the public to visit a published port whose container port is 8080, use the command:

ufw allow 8080


It not only exposes ports of containers but also exposes ports of the host.

For example, if a service is running on the host, and the port is 8080. The command ufw allow 8080 allows the public network to visit the service and all published ports whose containers' port is 8080. But we just want to expose the service running on the host, or just the service running inside containers, not the both.

To avoid this problem, we may need to use a command similar to the following for all containers:

ufw allow proto tcp from any to port 8080

using ufw-user-forward


Cannot expose services running on hosts and containers at the same time by the same command.

For example, if we want to publish the port 8080 of containers, use the following command:

ufw route allow 8080

The public network can access all published ports whose container ports are 8080.

But the port 8080 of the host is still not be accessed by the public network. If we want to do so, execute the following command to allow the public access the port on the host separately:

ufw allow 8080


Doesn't support older versions of Ubuntu, and the command is a bit more complicated. But you can use my script https://github.com/chaifeng/ufw-docker.


If we are using an older version of Ubuntu, we can use ufw-user-input chain. But be careful to avoid exposing services that should not be exposed.

If we are using a newer version of Ubuntu which is support ufw route sub-command, we'd better use ufw-user-forward chain, and use ufw route command to manage firewall rules for containers.

Update: Oct 6, 2018

The script ufw-docker supports Docker Swarm now. Please see the latest code for more, https://github.com/chaifeng/ufw-docker

Install for Docker Swarm mode

We can only use this script on manager nodes to manage firewall rules when using in Swarm mode.

  • Modifying all after.rules files on all nodes, including managers and workers
  • Deploying this script on manager nodes

Running in Docker Swarm mode, this script will add a global service ufw-docker-agent. The image chaifeng/ufw-docker-agent is also automatically built from this project.

Solution 3

Not saying solutions here are wrong, but they look a bit "terrifying" and error-prune for someone looking for a quick one-step instruction. I came with this problem recently as well, have read all the similar answers online, and have not found anything quick & clear at the time of writing. Surprisingly, my alternative solution is easy to comprehend and manage, and it works: just implement your firewall outside your host machine.

Treating Firewall as first-class citizen seems to have a lot of benefits.

Solution 4

I spent two hours trying out the proposals above and from other posts. The only solution that worked was from Tsuna's post in this Github thread:

Append the following at the end of /etc/ufw/after.rules (replace eth0 with your external facing interface):

# Put Docker behind UFW
:DOCKER-USER - [0:0]
:ufw-user-input - [0:0]

-A DOCKER-USER -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP
-A DOCKER-USER -i eth0 -j ufw-user-input
-A DOCKER-USER -i eth0 -j DROP

And undo any and all of:

  • Remove "iptables": "false" from /etc/docker/daemon.json
  • Revert to DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY="DROP" in /etc/default/ufw
  • Remove any docker related changes to /etc/ufw/before.rules
  • Be sure to test that everything comes up fine after a reboot. I still believe Docker's out of the box behavior is dangerous and many more people will continue to unintentionally expose internal services to the outside world due to Docker punching holes in otherwise safe iptables configs.

Solution 5

Disclaimer: This response applies to ufw (i.e. Ubuntu) As default/standard Docker bridge network works on (see docker inspect bridge Subnet), the most straightforward IMHO is to do:

ufw allow from
Yi-Chien Chang
Author by

Yi-Chien Chang

Updated on January 25, 2022


  • Yi-Chien Chang
    Yi-Chien Chang over 2 years

    I just tried out Docker. It is awesome but seems not work nicely with ufw. By default, docker will manipulate the iptables a little bit. The outcome is not a bug but not what I expected. For more details you can read The dangers of UFW + Docker

    My goal is to set up a system like

        Host (running ufw) -> docker container 1 - nginx (as a reverse proxy)
                           -> docker container 2 - node web 1
                           -> docker container 3 - node web 2
                           -> .......

    I want to manage the incoming traffic (e.g. restrict access) through ufw therefore I don't want docker to touch my iptables. Here is my test


    • a newly installed Ubuntu 14.04 (kernel: 3.13.0-53 )
    • Docker 1.6.2
    • ufw forwarding is enabled.( [Enable UFW forwarding] 2 )
    • --iptables=false was added to the Docker daemon.

    First Attempt

    docker run --name ghost -v /home/xxxx/ghost_content:/var/lib/ghost -d ghost
    docker run --name nginx -p 80:80 -v /home/xxxx/nginx_site_enable:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro --link ghost:ghost -d nginx

    No luck. The first command is fine but the second command will throw an error

    Error response from daemon: Cannot start container

    Second Attempt

    Then I found this: unable to link containers with --iptables=false #12701

    After running the following command, everything looks OK.

    sudo iptables -N DOCKER

    However, I noticed that I can not establish any outbound connections inside containers. For example:

    xxxxg@ubuntu:~$ sudo docker exec -t -i nginx /bin/bash
    root@b0d33f22d3f4:/# ping
    PING ( 56 data bytes
    ^C--- ping statistics ---
    35 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

    If I remove --iptables=false from the Docker daemon, then the internet connection of containers will be back to normal but the ufw will not work 'properly' (well...by my definition).

    So, what is the best practice of docker + ufw? Can anyone provide some help?

  • funky-future
    funky-future about 6 years
    I added some info on how to setup the iptables rule from the actual Docker network config. This might be of interest for you.
  • Yi-Chien Chang
    Yi-Chien Chang over 5 years
    Don't have time to implement it yet. But it seems a more sophisticated solution. Thanks!!!
  • OverCoder
    OverCoder over 5 years
    Perfect! Thought I had to replace with
  • Michael Härtl
    Michael Härtl over 5 years
    @Feng Your solution looks interesting. There's another slightly simpler proposal here. I had no time yet to analyze the differences but maybe you can comment on that? One more thing: I think you could rename "internal port" to "host port". I was confused what "internal port" means. In the docker manual it's always either host or container port, which I find clearer.
  • Feng
    Feng over 5 years
    @MichaelHärtl Thank you for your correction! My English is not good. The "internal port" means "container port" and the "external port" means "host port". I'll fix it soon. I took a quick look at the solution you mentioned. It's similar to mine. The main difference is that I use IP addresses, not ethernet cards.
  • Michael Härtl
    Michael Härtl over 5 years
    @Feng Thanks. I've also seen that you use the ufw-user-forward chain while the other solution uses ufw-user-input. I guess that's why you need ufw route .... I found that ufw route ... is not supported in older versions.
  • Feng
    Feng over 5 years
    @MichaelHärtl Yes, you are right. I remembered ufw route added since Ubuntu 15.10. I don’t think using ufw-user-input is a good idea. But we can use this chain on older versions of Ubuntu. For latest version we should use ufw-user-forward.
  • Michael Härtl
    Michael Härtl over 5 years
    Why do you think ufw-user-input is a bad idea? Actually I even think that it's easier to understand. When I map ports from the container to the host, I would expect that I can use the usual host rules like ufw allow http. I find the forward rule a bit harder to remember and also not as intuitive. If you could add some pro's and con's for each solution, that would be great.
  • Feng
    Feng over 5 years
    @MichaelHärtl I added the reason at the end of my answer. Please let me know if there is any unclear description. Thanks!
  • Birkhoff Lee
    Birkhoff Lee over 5 years
    what about docker + firewalld? do you have any directions on that? thanks
  • Feng
    Feng over 5 years
    @BirkhoffLee Sorry, I haven't used firewalld yet.
  • Admin
    Admin about 5 years
    You are the real MVP
  • Iulian Pinzaru
    Iulian Pinzaru about 5 years
    @Feng works as expected. This solution is better than accepted one, since you don't have to play around with iptables. If you started using ufw, why should it be a way back to iptables solution? Thank you, it works like a charm and nothing more than adding some lines and restarting service. Good job.
  • Laurent
    Laurent about 5 years
    I reinstalled docker fresh and just added the rules at the end of after.rules, but still network to my libvirt guest isn't working
  • Feng
    Feng about 5 years
    @Laurent What's the version of docker/ubuntu? Did you restart the ufw service or reboot your server? It doesn't work means what? Could you show me more details? Thanks!
  • Laurent
    Laurent about 5 years
    Ubuntu 18.04 and I tried lastest docker: both the stock docker.io package and the one provided by docker's official repo. I rebooted many times and it just behaves like default: docker breaking the bridge network
  • Laurent
    Laurent about 5 years
    I submitted an issue on your github repo, will be easier to solve it there: github.com/chaifeng/ufw-docker/issues/11
  • Thomas Ebert
    Thomas Ebert about 4 years
    This works fine! However, the nat iptables rule seems to be flushed on reboot. How can I persist it?
  • afboteros
    afboteros about 4 years
    To persist the iptables rule install the linux package iptables-persistent according to your server distro, in my case (Debian) is sudo apt install iptables-persistent and the package installation will add the NAT rule to a persistent file which is executed on boot.
  • Thomas Ebert
    Thomas Ebert about 4 years
    Thanks, @afboteros, should have known that... There's a reason I'm using uncomplicated firewall after all ;-)
  • La Muerte Peluda
    La Muerte Peluda about 4 years
    Just a problem: my containers seem to not resolve DNS correctly now :/
  • thomas
    thomas about 4 years
    I don't understand why this is not flagged as the best answer... I've lost an entire day with the first solution until I found this.
  • disfated
    disfated almost 4 years
    You just saved me!
  • Monkiki
    Monkiki almost 4 years
    I've tried with Ubuntu 20.04 and latest Docker and this doesn't work. Running "docker run -it -p 8080:80 nginx" exposes the 8080 port.
  • Max Robbertze
    Max Robbertze over 3 years
    So the trick here is that the docker networks need to be allocated "by hand" ie not allow docker to do so. (Or else you need to figure what was allocated an expose that) Critically however, if binding to more that one network, you HAVE to specify the networks that acts as the default route "out" of the container" And this can not be pre-determined. There used to be a setting that allows for this, but it was removed from docker.
  • yeahman
    yeahman over 3 years
    this seems to be the most simple solution; will try it. Was thinking about binding all my containers to<port> and use nginx reverse proxy on host to expose the containers while being able to use UFW; do you think it is a legit solution also?
  • yeahman
    yeahman over 3 years
    @thomas the first solution seems to be working fine for me. It is much simpler and requires less work. that's why it is the selected solution
  • Dawid Stefaniak
    Dawid Stefaniak over 3 years
    You SHOULD NOT use it as it removes totally DNS and I couldn't resolve any server. Please provide new/improved solution.
  • Kevin
    Kevin over 3 years
    This is BROKEN. It causes the system to not resolve any server and I cant even ping anything on my lan. This is NOT a solution!
  • Gabriel Luca
    Gabriel Luca about 3 years
    This dose not work ... some exploration would have been great .. just punting ..some directives is not enough for someone searching .. could be for a pro ..
  • Gabriel Luca
    Gabriel Luca about 3 years
    sudo ufw reload outputs ERROR: Could not load logging rules
  • Juanra
    Juanra about 3 years
    Hey @Feng, Your utility has been a lifesaver in my case, but I have a drawback ... how do you handle the containers when they are destroyed and created again with a new ip? In my case I have to manually rerun the ufw-docker allow command, but I wanted to ask you if you see any way to automate this. I tried a cron task but it failed to work for me.
  • Feng
    Feng almost 3 years
    @Juanra Because we can create a different service with the previous same container name. We cannot guarantee they are the same service just by their names. So we’d better manually rerun the ufw-docker command.
  • zingi
    zingi almost 3 years
    The answer by @feng is better. That should be the accepted answer.
  • Lam Le
    Lam Le over 2 years
    Although I agree with you, sometimes an extra layer is also good. And sometimes, we just have to deal with a bunch of bare-metal servers.
  • m50
    m50 over 2 years
    Thak you very much!
  • Farzan
    Farzan over 2 years
    Here comes when we all realize that SO is unable to differentiate a great answer from several other lower-ranked answers. I really expect this answer to be on top of the list.
  • cjauvin
    cjauvin over 2 years
    Thank you that is a very thoughtful and helpful answer (I just went the DO firewall route, exactly as you suggested), and indeed the "terror factor" plays a role in a situation like that, where we already need to juggle with the complexity of 25 other aspects of the tech stack we're trying to bring up and running.
  • Sy Ker
    Sy Ker about 2 years
    Worked for me on a wireguard interface.
  • Vaclav Kusak
    Vaclav Kusak about 2 years
    Your post is awesome! This is easy and WORKING solution! Thanks a million!
  • Kadarach
    Kadarach about 2 years
    Holy cow, you're right. Linode offers this as well.
    BPDESILVA about 2 years
    Yeah, but you have to have custom images and expose different ports on each container
  • mipmip
    mipmip about 2 years
    Together agree. Don't forget DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY="ACCEPT"
  • sjohnson.pi
    sjohnson.pi almost 2 years
    Here's a link to Linode's Firewall docs: linode.com/docs/guides/getting-started-with-cloud-firewall