What is the Big-O of String.contains() in Java?


Solution 1

One of the best known algorithms is the Boyer-Moore string searching algorithm which is O(n) although it can give sublinear performance in the best case.

Which algorithm is used in Java depends on which implemetation you download. It seems that for example OpenJDK uses a naive algorithm that runs in O(nm) and linear performance in the best case. See lines 1770-1806 here.

Solution 2

.contains() definitely uses naive approach and equivalent to O(nm) time complexity.

  • Boyer-moore takes O(nm) time in the worst case.
  • KMP takes O(n) time in the worst case.

In one of the problems related to pattern matching, I used .contains() and it took 70 ms whereas replacing that line with patternSearch() //KMP search reduced the time to 14 ms.

enter image description here

Java source code | KMP search vs .contains()

Author by


Full stack Python & Java web dev in sunny/snowy Maine. Other interests include geospatial data and puzzles

Updated on April 06, 2020


  • Jason
    Jason about 4 years

    I'm working on a project, and need to optimize the running time. Is String.contains() runtime the same as TreeSet.contains(), which is O(logN)?

    The reason I'm asking is I'm building a TreeMap<String, TreeSet<Song>>, where Songs contain a String of lyrics. Depending on the efficiency, I am considering including a Set of the lyric words inside the Song and running searches on that rather than the String.

  • Nicholas White
    Nicholas White over 13 years
    the article you linked to said it's O(n) as it makes at most 3n comparisons. "worst case O(n)" is a tautology - by definition O(n) is the worst case :)
  • rakslice
    rakslice almost 10 years
    The jdk1.6.0_23 had the same String.indexOf() implementation as a contemporary OpenJDK, according to programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/65558/… . Someone could tell you if that's true for String.contains()
  • cellepo
    cellepo over 8 years
  • John Kugelman
    John Kugelman over 7 years
    @NicholasWhite O(n) is an upper bound. It could be an upper bound of the worst case, average case, or best case performance. Upper and lower bound are orthogonal to best/average/worst case. Another orthogonal dimension is loose vs. tight. O(n) is a loose upper bound. Θ(n) is a tight upper and lower bound.
  • coderz
    coderz almost 5 years
    Seems Trie only supports "starts with", not "contains"?
  • sjkm
    sjkm over 3 years
    KMP worst case is O(n + m) since you need to create the lsp table beforehand.
  • Nishant Thapliyal
    Nishant Thapliyal over 3 years
    True but even in worst-case where n==m -> O(n+m) -> O(2n) -> O(n)