What is the meaning of ∃?


Solution 1

It is called a quantifier. It means "there exists".

When used in an expression such as

∃x s.t. x > 0

It means "There exists a number x such that x is greater than 0."

Its counterpart is ∀, which means "for all". It's used like this:

∀x, x > 0

Which means "For any number x, it is greater than 0."

Solution 2

It is the "existential quantifier" as opposed to the upside-down A (∀) which means "universal quantifier." It should be read as "there exists" or "for some". It is a predication that means that some relation or property holds true for at least one object in the domain.


An integer n is composite if integer m such that m > 1 and m < n with n divisible by m.

An integer n is prime if integer m such that m > 1 and m < n it is true that n is not divisible by m.

A function f is continuous on a metric space (X, d) if ∀x∀ε>0∃δ>0 | ∀y d(x, y) < δ => d(f(x), f(y)) < ε

Solution 3

It is called existential quantifier and being followed by x, it means there exists at least one x

Solution 4

More Info on Predicate Logic

Solution 5

For future reference, wikipedia has a table of mathematical symbols, with an explanation of the meaning(s) of each one.


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Software Developer living and working in Toronto, Canada. https://fantasysupercontest.com

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Yada
    Yada almost 2 years

    Reading a book on algorithms. Can someone explain the meaning of the mathematical symbol ∃?

    • Raymond Tran
      Raymond Tran over 14 years
      Discrete structures during the winter session? Ouch.
    • Jon Seigel
      Jon Seigel over 14 years
      Belongs on MathOverflow mathoverflow.net
    • Randolpho
      Randolpho over 14 years
      Set theory and predicate logic are 100% programming related, whomever voted to close. Although MathOverflow.net is better for pure math questions, obviously.
    • Pod
      Pod over 14 years
      Given that this kind of predicated logic is a staple of CS courses, I don't see why it should be closed.
    • Jon Seigel
      Jon Seigel over 14 years
      @Randolpho: Definitely. However, that has no connection to the question that was asked.
    • sdcvvc
      sdcvvc over 14 years
      MO is not a math equivalent of SO. This question would be closed there. ("intended audience is professional mathematicians, mathematics graduate students, and advanced undergraduates." from FAQ)
    • Jason S
      Jason S over 14 years
      I'm voting to reopen. A similar question was asked recently about ∀ (see stackoverflow.com/questions/1925979/…). Also it definitely does NOT belong on MathOverflow -- that's for Serious mathematical research questions; a question like this would get shut down before you could say ∀ B Ↄ....
    • Chris McCauley
      Chris McCauley over 14 years
      Agreed this should be allowed. Developers should know how to write invariants, pre-conditions and post-conditions. Perfectly reasonable for someone learning the trade to ask this question.
    • Jon Seigel
      Jon Seigel over 14 years
    • ire_and_curses
      ire_and_curses over 14 years
      @Jon Seigel: The top answer, from your link - "I would say Math questions are suitable as long as they tie into a programming concept." The explanation is required to understand an algorithm text. Voting to reopen.
    • Jon Seigel
      Jon Seigel over 14 years
      @ire_and_curses: The question here does not reference any algorithm or programming concept, therefore it is a math question.
    • Brian Campbell
      Brian Campbell over 14 years
      Someone who does not understand what ∃ means might not know that this is a math question. Should questions on O notation be closed because they are math questions? While it's a mathematical notation, it's usually used in analysis of algorithms. How is someone reading an algorithms text supposed to know that ∃ is any different?
    • Jon Seigel
      Jon Seigel over 14 years
      Questions on O notation are always linked to algorithms, or a specific example of an algorithm. What is the context in this question? Fair point about not knowing this is a math question. However, it makes me wonder why the book the OP is reading does not contain a definition for the terminology? Any textbook I've read has a dictionary of symbols somewhere in it.
    • jason
      jason over 14 years
      @Jon Seigel: The book almost surely does, the OP just overlooked it. Even the most advanced textbooks often have a table of symbols page somewhere just because there are inconsistencies between authors.
    • silbana
      silbana over 14 years
      This is simply inane. Are we going to have a question for every mathematical symbol on Earth? Let me get it going: What is <b>א<sub>0</sub></b>?
    • Eric Wilson
      Eric Wilson almost 13 years
      This belongs on math.stackexchange.com, which didn't exist during all of the previous discussion.
    • Eric Wilson
      Eric Wilson over 12 years
      Three months later, I'm curious why this has not been migrated to Math.SE.
  • Kieveli
    Kieveli over 14 years
    I thought that was the other way around... Huh. Learn something new every day: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E2%88%83
  • sdcvvc
    sdcvvc over 14 years
    Quantifier. Predicates are something different: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predicate_(mathematical_logic)
  • Welbog
    Welbog over 14 years
    @sdcvvc: Righto! Been a few years since my mathematical logic course. :) I've corrected the answer.
  • Randolpho
    Randolpho over 14 years
    @Kieveli: Backwards "E" for "Exists", upside-down "A" for "All". That should help you, mnemonically.
  • Niklas Rosencrantz
    Niklas Rosencrantz over 14 years
    Yes and ∀ you can implement complementary to ∃ since ∀x means there is no x not...eg ∀x and ∄x~ are same
  • Andrew
    Andrew over 14 years
    We used a syntax ∀x(x>0) and ∃x(x > 0)
  • Welbog
    Welbog over 14 years
    Oh no not the epsilons and deltas! Calculus 1 is flooding back to me now. I have only you to blame, Jason.
  • Welbog
    Welbog over 14 years
    Ah, whom am I kidding? I loved Calculus 1. That's why I took Calculus 2 and Calculus 3! Thanks for that trip down memory lane.
  • starblue
    starblue over 14 years
    @Randolpho Both letters are rotated by 180 degrees, they just happen to have different symmetries.
  • starblue
    starblue over 14 years
    Alternating between quantifiers produces formulas which are both hard to understand and hard to handle algorithmically. For example, the definition of continuity has the pattern ∀∃∀ (the ∀x∀y is missing in the example).