What is the purpose of Decimal.One, Decimal.Zero, Decimal.MinusOne in .Net


Solution 1

Small clarification. They are actually static readonly values and not constants. That has a distinct difference in .Net because constant values are inlined by the various compilers and hence it's impossible to track their usage in a compiled assembly. Static readonly values however are not copied but instead referenced. This is advantageous to your question because it means the use of them can be analyzed.

If you use reflector and dig through the BCL, you'll notice that MinusOne and Zero are only used with in the VB runtime. It exists primarily to serve conversions between Decimal and Boolean values. Why MinusOne is used coincidentally came up on a separate thread just today (link)

Oddly enough, if you look at the Decimal.One value you'll notice it's used nowhere.

As to why they are explicitly defined ... I doubt there is a hard and fast reason. There appears to be no specific performance and only a bit of a convenience measure that can be attributed to their existence. My guess is that they were added by someone during the development of the BCL for their convenience and just never removed.


Dug into the const issue a bit more after a comment by @Paleta. The C# definition of Decimal.One uses the const modifier however it is emitted as a static readonly at the IL level. The C# compiler uses a couple of tricks to make this value virtually indistinguishable from a const (inlines literals for example). This would show up in a language which recognize this trick (VB.Net recognizes this but F# does not).

Solution 2

Some .NET languages do not support decimal literals, and it is more convenient (and faster) in these cases to write Decimal.ONE instead of new Decimal(1).

Java's BigInteger class has ZERO and ONE as well, for the same reason.

Roland Dercsényi
Author by

Roland Dercsényi

I have 30 years of programming experience, going back to the Apple ][ days and Vic-20s and so on. Wrote my first commercial app (something I got paid for) in 1982, and I wrote a locally-successful game for the C-64 in 1985. I work in banking, and have a company of my own. My hobbies currently are programming, RC model aircraft (planes and helicopters), rifle and pistol marksmanship, and photography.

Updated on June 12, 2022


  • Roland Dercsényi
    Roland Dercsényi about 2 years

    Simple question - why does the Decimal type define these constants? Why bother?

    I'm looking for a reason why this is defined by the language, not possible uses or effects on the compiler. Why put this in there in the first place? The compiler can just as easily in-line 0m as it could Decimal.Zero, so I'm not buying it as a compiler shortcut.

  • fuzzy-waffle
    fuzzy-waffle about 15 years
    Your argument hurts my head. They are numbers, they only become magic numbers when you start attaching random meaning to them such as -1 means do the dishes and 1 means bake cakes. Decimal.One is just as magical as 1 but arguably harder to read (but perhaps more optimal).
  • Mitkins
    Mitkins about 15 years
    my point was that if someone types Decimal.Zero, they are more likely to have done that deliberately because Zero has some meaning - rather than just arbitrarily setting it to 0
  • fuzzy-waffle
    fuzzy-waffle about 15 years
    I take issue with saying assigning something to 0 is arbitrary. It makes sense for enumerations with symbolic constants being mapped to numbers but for numbers mapped to numbers seems pretty insane. Sometimes 0 is really... zero. Units on the other hand would be a nice construct. 1km != 1.
  • Benson
    Benson about 15 years
    Saying Decimal.Zero is just as arbitrary as saying 0.0. If we were talking about something that changes on an operating system level, like "/" vs some library constant that describes the filesystem separator, it would make sense, but Decimal.Zero is always just 0.0.
  • Rob P.
    Rob P. about 15 years
    Can someone explain this to me? 6 up votes means it's got to be a good answer - but: How does a .Net language that doesn't support decimal as a datatype benefit from having a shared read-only property that returns a decimal and is defined as part of the decimal class?
  • Mitkins
    Mitkins about 15 years
    Damn, it was just my opinion. I thought I made that clear :-(
  • Niki
    Niki about 15 years
    He probably meant that if a language doesn't have decimal literals, using a constant would be more efficient than converting an int literal to a decimal. Every .NET language supports the System.Decimal datatype, it's part of the CLR.
  • sawyer seguin
    sawyer seguin about 15 years
    yeah Niki that is what I wanted to say. You can of course use System.Decimal in all .NET languages, but some support it better (like C# which has a decimal keyword and decimal literals) and some worse. Sorry, English is not my native language...
  • Rob P.
    Rob P. about 15 years
    Thank you for the explanation. That makes sense now.
  • Daniel Pryden
    Daniel Pryden almost 14 years
    What are you talking about? You're doing bad math with inexact values and then using the division operator to come up with your epsilon? What makes you think that the result will always be off by exactly 0.01, and not (for example) 0.005? If these values represent money, I'd be scared to do business with your application.
  • Hassen
    Hassen almost 14 years
    :) I'm not calculating an end result, i have to give the value of (y) for the rounded format. how will you do it ?
  • Ian Ringrose
    Ian Ringrose almost 14 years
    I have in a past job be told I must have consts for numbers like "1", so as to advoid magic numbers in my code. I wish all coding standards starting of my saying the reader must have a brain!
  • Niraj Savaliya
    Niraj Savaliya over 13 years
    It is incorrect that those values are readonly, looking at the .net framework Decimal metada you can see the following [DecimalConstant(0, 0, 4294967295, 4294967295, 4294967295)] public const decimal MaxValue = 79228162514264337593543950335m; [DecimalConstant(0, 128, 0, 0, 1)] public const decimal MinusOne = -1m;
  • JaredPar
    JaredPar over 13 years
    @Paleta, no they are readonly. I've verified this by looking at the metadata and the MSDN page for hte values. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.decimal.one(VS.80).a‌​spx
  • Niraj Savaliya
    Niraj Savaliya over 11 years
    I have to disagree with you and your answer, look at the reflected mscorlib.dll code here reflector.webtropy.com/default.aspx/4@0/4@0/DEVDIV_TFS/Dev10‌​/… those are declared as constants, MSDN is incorrect
  • JaredPar
    JaredPar over 11 years
    @Paleta this is a case where C# is lying to you. Even though C# allows you to declare a decimal as a const it will still emit it as a static readonly. You can verify this by adding a decimal constant to a program and then examining the IL of the program
  • JaredPar
    JaredPar over 11 years
    @Paleta updated my answer to discuss a bit what's going on here.
  • Niraj Savaliya
    Niraj Savaliya over 11 years
    Well, I just saw that on the IL is declared as field static initonly, are all const in C# translated into static readonly fields? Thanks for the clarification
  • JaredPar
    JaredPar over 11 years
    @Paleta i shared the same confusion as you. I had to sit down for a few minutes and play around with the generated IL and C# source to understand what was going on here. For your question though, no the majority of C# constants are emitted as .literal values. It appears that only DateTime and Decimal are emitted in this mixed manner
  • mireazma
    mireazma over 3 years
    Although it may not be the real reason behind Decimal.Zero et al. this answer makes sense. Take int.MaxValue for instance, which is just an alias for a specific value but it conveys the meaning when assigned instead of the actual value. Ok, the difference is that you wouldn't have to remember the value but then why would you?