What is the "bezel" and why does Dell charge 15€ for it?


Solution 1

The bezel is attached to the front side of the server and it protects the hard drives and the power button from removal or accidental usage. The bezel comes with a key and a lock but it's not necessary if the server itself is only accessible by you or your administrator staff.

In my opinion it is just an aesthetic choice. We're using about 120 DELL servers and we don't have any bezel installed.

Solution 2

It's a bit of plastic that makes the server look less like the metal box of bits it actually is and more like the sort of thing that management-types have been led by salespeople to think servers look like - i.e. it's purely aesthetic - nice of Dell to give you the option I guess, not many other places do.

Solution 3

Well, why it costs money - use your brain. Seriously. Why should Dell turn it out for free if not everyone has it so it is not included in the price for the server. It is a part, it costs money to make and store until someone buy sit and Dell is not in the business of giving money away. Seriously, "why do things cost money" questions are not smart.

Now, for the rest.

It normally is a front cover which can be LOCKED (!). This is the most important thing. You install a bezel and you can lock all the hard drives into the server so people can not remove it. Most of the time you also lock access to things like reset button (but obviosuly not the power cord). Whether this makes sense seriously depends on server usage. A server in an open rack - MAYBE (!). Even then the hoster will gladly help you go after other idiot customers playing with your equipment while doing maintenance on theirs. Larger (locked half rack, like me) and even before the real sense starts to disappear pretty fast.

I seriously prefer open servers where I can rip out the discs as needed without playing around with keys for the brezel first.


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David Schmitt
Author by

David Schmitt

pythonista previously: M.Eng. Computer Science; Linux Admin; C#+WPF+DB Coder; Co-Founder of dasz.at OG; Puppet Modules Senior Engineer; Puppet Modules Tech Lead; Puppet Developer Experience Tech Lead; Incubation Engineer (failed); Network Automation Tech Lead; Puppet Modules and Developer Experience Tech Lead; ruby (ab)user Feel free to contact me at [email protected]!

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • David Schmitt
    David Schmitt almost 2 years

    I'm in the process of shopping around for a new server and came across the "1U Rack Bezel" option for Dell's PowerEdge™ R310 server. The only hint is the german heading "Frontblende" which seems to imply that it is just an aesthetic choice.

    So the question is: For what do I need the bezel and why does it cost 15€?

  • user1364702
    user1364702 over 13 years
    It can also usually be locked for security, and they are custom fit for the particular server so the blinkies line up properly on the front of the bezel.
  • joeqwerty
    joeqwerty over 13 years
    +1. Cheers on the "Why do things cost money" retort. I'm always amazed when I hear people ask this question. The open source movement has created a monster, now everyone wants everything for free.
  • joeqwerty
    joeqwerty over 13 years
    +1 for an answer that addresses the pointy haired boss issue.
  • joeqwerty
    joeqwerty over 13 years
    @Bart: But of course... blinkies are important to the pointy haired bosses. :)
  • jscott
    jscott over 13 years
    +1. However that bezel is (quite flimsy) plastic, the lock is metal. It does not take a burly sysadmin (or a screwdriver) to coerce the bezel from its lock position. I also believe the keys may not be unique.
  • user1364702
    user1364702 over 13 years
    @Joeqwerty-Open source just opened an option to "free" (It's not free since you invest time and learning, a currency that seems to be becoming more scarce as new admins get more whiny); the desire for free has always been there, you just heard it more often as "we don't have the budget so we need something low-cost" or "How can I do this on a limited budget." Always there is a variation of "we have no money but need this up 24/7 with zero maintenance."
  • user1364702
    user1364702 over 13 years
    @jscott: probably not, but if you have a screwdriver you can usually remove the server from the rack if you were so inclined. The bezel just keeps wandering fingers and accidents and impulsive decisions from affecting your server. May also affect airflow and dust depending on the design.
  • user1364702
    user1364702 over 13 years
    And sysadmins who walk into a dark server room and get comfort from the cool blue scrollies and blinkies, and for a brief moment, feel they're back on the Enterprise from when they were kids playing in their imagination...
  • Philip
    Philip over 13 years
    @Bart; I'm definitely comforted when I walk in an all the lights are green.
  • Mitch
    Mitch over 13 years
    @TomTom: I don't see that he asks why it costs money, he's asking why a lump of plastic costs 15 euro. There is a difference between "I want it for free" and "why does a piece of plastic not required for the operation of the server cost so much". That's how I read it anyway.
  • user1364702
    user1364702 over 13 years
    @ChrisS: I'm not. I'm red-green colorblind. I love the cool blue though.
  • Ivan Veštić
    Ivan Veštić over 13 years
    @TomTom: I agree with Mitch. He didn't ask why a part costs money. He asked what it was and why it cost 15 euros. Don't rake smby over the coals for sthg they didn't say.