Where can I download JSTL taglibs? i.e. jstl.jar and standard.jar


Solution 1

You can find them both in the Maven central repo:



Solution 2

Since JSTL 1.1 is out of life, Apache has put it in the archive. Pick the jakarta-taglibs-standard-current.zip file.

However, if you're running a Servlet 2.5 compatible container and the web.xml is declared as at least Servlet 2.5, then you should be able to use the new JSTL 1.2 instead. Note that JSTL 1.2 does not require a standard.jar.

See also:

Author by


I'm a software engineer and computer scientist.

Updated on July 19, 2022


  • ktm5124
    ktm5124 almost 2 years

    I am following the Spring-MVC tutorial and currently I am on part 2. The tutorial requires me to download jstl.jar and standard.jar, which were once part of the Jakarta Taglibs project. The project has since moved to Apache, but when I go to Apache's site. to download the taglibs, I get 403 Forbidden.

    So my question is, where can I download jstl.jar and standard.jar, so that I can get on with this tutorial?

  • netic
    netic over 11 years
    is apache jslt an extended version of sun jslt?
  • BalusC
    BalusC over 11 years
    @manetic: no, it's just another implementation of JSTL, like as that Apache Tomcat is an implementation of JSP/Servlet and that Oracle (Sun) Glassfish is another one.
  • netic
    netic over 11 years
    don't they do the same work? do you know which is standard, or most preferred?
  • MestreLion
    MestreLion over 10 years
    @netic: JSTL is a standard API, so there's no such thing as "which one is standard". Both are. As for "preferred", it all comes down to the implementation of the API, and which runs "better" (faster, less memory, etc) in your particular server. Also note that the latest Apache/Jakarta JSTL is v1.1.2, while Sun/Oracle/Maven has 1.2 and latter