Where can I find drivers for my Sony Vaio touchpad?


Most Sony laptops use Alps touchpads. This is a link to a WIN7 64 bit driver package ALPS Windows 7 x64 You should be able to find an x86 driver with a bit of digging at Sony Support as mentioned by @slhck


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Ian Finlayson
Author by

Ian Finlayson

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Ian Finlayson
    Ian Finlayson almost 2 years

    I am trying to create a kind of simplified graphics library on top of the built-in Java graphics system. I want to use it in teaching so students can create graphical programs without needing to create their own classes, or especially need to use inheritance.

    Anyway, as I have it, the windows do not close as I expect them to and I cannot figure out why. The weird thing is that if I have a println in the main program loop it does work. What's going on? Here is a minimal example:

    package test;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.util.Queue;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    /** enumeration of the different types of events which a window can produce */
    enum EventType {
    /** a class which represents an event which a window can produce */
    class Event {
        private EventType t;
        /** create a new event of a given type */
        public Event(EventType type) {
            t = type;
        /** check which type of event it is */
        public EventType getType( ) {
            return t;
    /** a graphics window */
    class Window implements WindowListener {
        private JFrame frame;
        private boolean open;
        private Queue<Event> events;
        /** create the window */
        public Window(String title, int width, int height, boolean resizable) {
            frame = new JFrame(title);
            frame.setSize(width, height);
            events = new LinkedList<>( );
            open = true;
        /** checks whether the window is still open or not */
        public boolean isOpen( ) {
            return open;
        /** closes the window */
        public void close( ) {
            open = false;
            frame.dispose( );
        /** returns the next event, or null if there is none */
        public Event pollEvent( ) {
            return events.poll( );
        /* functions which implement window listening */
        public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { }
        public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) { }
        public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) { }
        public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { }
        public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { }
        public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { }
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
            System.out.println("Adding close event");
            events.add(new Event(EventType.Closed));
    public class Test {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            // create the window
            Window window = new Window("Hello world!", 800, 600, false);
            // while the window is open
            while (window.isOpen( )) {
                // check for events
                Event event = window.pollEvent( );
                if (event != null) {
                    switch (event.getType( )) {
                        // handle the window close event
                        case Closed:
                            System.out.println("Calling close");
                            window.close( );
                // when this line is un-commented, it works as expected???
            System.out.println("All done!");
    • slhck
      slhck over 12 years
      Sony Support. Do you have a more precise model number?
    • Flamyx
      Flamyx over 12 years
      I can't find my model number in there :/, any other suggestions please ?
    • Murat Karagöz
      Murat Karagöz over 8 years
      Unrelated, but why do you have whitespaces between brackets window.close( )?
    • Ian Finlayson
      Ian Finlayson over 8 years
      @LuxxMiner, I want to explicitly catch the closing which is why I implement implements WindowListener. According to the docs (docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/events/…) that should be an OK approach?
    • Betlista
      Betlista over 8 years
      @MuratK.probably a code formatter setting... You can define the same in Eclipse for example...
    • Mati
      Mati over 8 years
      Can you tell what you want to achive? I've launched this program and after closing it, I have "Adding close event Calling close All done!"
    • Ian Finlayson
      Ian Finlayson over 8 years
      @MuratK. that is just my style. I know it's unusual, but they look weird to me as (). I should probably learn to do that though...
    • Lukas Rotter
      Lukas Rotter over 8 years
      @IanFinlayson You can also catch the closing event with EXIT_ON_CLOSE or DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE as the default close operation, it will still work.
    • Ian Finlayson
      Ian Finlayson over 8 years
      @Mati maybe it is platform-specific, but when I run this program (on Linux), the window does not close, but just stays open forever.
    • Ian Finlayson
      Ian Finlayson over 8 years
      @LuxxMiner Oh interesting! I will try that.
  • Flamyx
    Flamyx over 12 years
    ill look it up, and its okay I have the 64 bit WIN, but thx anyways :D
  • QMaster
    QMaster almost 10 years
    It's appropriate just for VPCEB11FM/BI Model as you can see in top of the page in red color "IMPORTANT: This file is only for use with the models identified. Not all models are sold in all countries." Anyway i downloaded My VAIO version VPCF12THX/H but when i try to install it warn about this program is just for windows vista/windows 7. My VAIO has Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit and i don't understand why i saw this message.
  • user1803551
    user1803551 over 8 years
    Tip: try not to name your classes with the same names as classes from relevant packages. Window and Event are already used in the graphical contexts you are using.
  • Ian Finlayson
    Ian Finlayson over 8 years
    That doesn't really help. It does cause the window to close, but the program still hangs forever and never finishes main.
  • James Wierzba
    James Wierzba over 8 years
    Remove the while loop, it looks like it might be an infinite loop. Setting DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE should stop the VM entirely when the windows close.
  • Ian Finlayson
    Ian Finlayson over 8 years
    That makes sense, but that's not how I want it to work. I want to put a procedural style API on top of the callback based one. So that you could write graphical programs just in a main function.
  • martinez314
    martinez314 over 8 years
    @JamesWierzba it's called from his window.close() method.
  • Ian Finlayson
    Ian Finlayson over 8 years
    Thanks so much. This wasn't exactly what I needed, but talking about the EDT which I hadn't heard of led me to the answer (stackoverflow.com/a/34136793/2213804). Thanks!