Where does my browser save youtube videos?


its in your cache folder

C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache

(but its all in chunks, so to see whats what you can use portable tool like chromecacheview)


Related videos on Youtube

Luis M Gato
Author by

Luis M Gato

Engineer in Telecommunications and Electronics, with a Master's Degree in Digital Signal Processing. Audio/DSP Software Engineer at Microsoft.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Luis M Gato
    Luis M Gato almost 2 years

    If I suddenly lose my Internet connection, all of the Youtube videos that were pre-loaded by my browser (Chrome or Firefox) can still be watched and watched again, since they are saved somewhere in the memory of my PC.

    Where does my browser save such videos? In what format?

    I am interested in both Windows and Ubuntu-similar operative systems.

    • DrZoo
      DrZoo about 6 years
      See this answer that already explains some questions you're asking.