Where does QtCreator store data about Kits?


The SDK stores a set of files in $CREATOR_INSTALL_DIR/share/QtProject/qtcreator. These are used by everybody using this instance of creator.

The user-specific files are in your home directory in ~/.config/QtProject/qtcreator (or %APPDATA%/QtProject/qtcreator on windows, don't know about Mac).

The kits are in a file called profiles.xml (I first called this whole thing profiles, but since that conflicts with the .pro-files qmake uses it got renamed). Toolchains are in toolchains.xml, Qt versions in qtversions.xml.

The .user-files only contain data for the project it is related to. Basically everything set in "Projects" mode ends up in the .user file.

Kyle Strand
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Kyle Strand

I am a father, a software engineer, a pianist, a dancer, and an over-thinker. Posts I'd like to highlight On computers and computing How can 32-bit architectures handle numbers larger than the maximum value of a 32-bit integer? On writing C++ as if it were Java Contrived schemes for environments that can behave as though they "solve" the halting problem My first and so-far only Vim plugin, which was not even written by me On a feature of an obscure fork of a Vim plugin that I wish would be supported natively by Vim On the history of g in Vi On popular culture What the heck is going on in Janelle Monáe's Metropolis suites? Is Miracle Max's assertion that "as everyone knows, to blathe means to bluff" true? What does the Joker mean by "Whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stranger"? On silent films and film scores On hilariously fishy artists on music-streaming-services Miscellany On religion, critical thinking, freedom, and good parenting On prescriptivism and descriptivism (yeah, I know this wasn't well received by the English.SE community, but I stand by it) On the distinctions between different ways of saying "a lot" of information How to play difficult piano music How to play difficult music on any instrument Some music theory about the piano's black notes and white notes Other stuff With all those links above I'm now out of room :/

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Kyle Strand
    Kyle Strand about 2 years

    For a particular project, QtCreator stores information about the build configurations for each kit that project uses in its *.creator.user file. Some kits are automatically detected; kits can also be manually defined by going to Options-->Build & Run-->Kits and selecting Add. However, I can't figure out where QtCreator actually stores information about available kits. Deleting all *.creator.user files that make use of a particular kit does not remove the kit from the list of kits, and I can't find the names of any custom kits I've defined anywhere in the Qt folder on my computer (I'm using Qt5 RC2, so I'm looking in Qt5/QtCommercial5.0.0-rc2/Tools/QtCreator/share and subdirectories thereof). Any suggestions?